Monday, January 27, 2014


   Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Mondays with Taryn, the best way to start off your week ;). This is the day I get the opportunity to talk to you from my perspective, share some crazy things with you and keep you so enthralled that you'll want to stop by our blog EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! :D
   I'm going to take this day, my first day writing on the blog, to tell you a little bit...or alot a bit.. about myself. I'm the oldest of the family. So that makes me the oldest of 5, the big kahuna (next to my mom of course), the boss, the responsible one, the leader... oh yeah.. and the one who got blamed for everything, the one who more was always expected from, and the one who had to be the example for the younger siblings, and mom's and dad's favorite.. until the youngest came along.. haha. I'm sure all of you oldest children out there can relate -__- But you know what?! It just comes with the territory, and I wouldn't give up my position in the family for anything! I love being the oldest!
   Some other things about me... I'm the tallest girl in my family at a whomping 5'9"! As a matter a fact, when I was little I remember my aunt going on this website that was supposed to predict your height and it predicted I'd be 5'9" so it was always my goal in life to be that height. Once I reached that height I felt so accomplished, I was so happy that my dream had come true! I'm convinced that if that dream was able to come true, which I really had no control over, I can make any dream I have come true because those are up to me to achieve!
   Some things I enjoy doing are singing my favorite songs super loud in my house with my sisters and not worrying about how much we are probably disturbing our neighbors.. although, after 12 years they GOTTA be used to it by now... right?! Another thing I really like to do is hang out with my f........... you think I'm going to say "friends" huh? But actually I was going to say FAMILY!!! And now you're probably thinking "who likes hanging out with their family?" Well, believe me... once you get an idea of who we are from this blog.. you'll want to hang out with us too. We are the coolest, silliest, funniest, weirdest, craziest family you'll ever meet! My mom always laughs at us because she says when we talk to eachother we talk as if we haven't seen eachother in 5 years haha! We have the BEST time together and can literally have a good time doing ANYTHING! As soon as we get bored... "TIME TO MAKE UP A GAME GUYS!" That's just the way we are... and I LOVE IT! Don't get me wrong... I love hanging out with friends too.. we just adopt them into our family. Below I included a pic that really describes my siblings.. I'm of course taking the picture because whenever my mom isn't there I'm the designated photographer. I think I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself.. Then the next one is just us... being.. us!

I hope you've enjoyed Monday's with yours truly... believe me.. there's lots more to come!!!!


Oh... and follow us on Facebook and Twitter and visit our website for more fun stuff!!!

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