Friday, January 24, 2014

    Hello world this is Teara, primary nickname LuLu, other nicknames past and present: Trouble, Princess, (we'll be revisiting that one later,) Hot Pants, and whatever else there may be that you feel is suitable to dub me... and whatever else I may have forgotten. (Feel free to comment below.)
    Anyone who knows me at all knows that if you really lend me your ear- and possibly occasionally, preferably often but not vitally, offer a response that I like- I will talk. Alot. And if I live with you I will talk alot whether you're listening or not. Btw I'm not sure why the "internet" thinks alot is meant to be two words e.i. a lot... but uh, it's wrong.
      So I hear we got some views yesterday in Sweden! Holla.
*If you know me personally: I did not just say that.
*If you don't know me personally: you should probs be aware that I'm pretty much a thug.
      So people, I have so much to say and my crazy imagination has an absolutely ridiculous amount of things that it believes is absolutely necessary for the world to know. I keep trying to get it to pipe down, yelling at it saying, "NOBODY CARES!" but it just won't listen...smh. So here it stays, spinning round, colorful and wild like a whirling dervish trying to figure out what to let go of first and put down on this paper... screen. So I guess I think it's best if I start simple so as not to frighten anyone- don't say it. 
*Side note* -You should know that I'm pretty weird at first and then I may or may not get progressively weirder the better you know me. I like to think it's a good weird though; a fun weird; a slaphappy weird. And I can't wait to get on a comfort level like that with every single one of you...(now read that again and with your mind's voice make it sound a good deal less creepy...thank you.)  In person the process takes a while and most people I honestly never get there with, but you're all different. You're all special, I can feel it.
     So yes, back on track, starting simple and very close to my heart: I would love to show you this little old place I like to call home. Remember at the top of this post when I said I would be revisiting the nickname Princess? Well I earned that nickname last summer when I played Fiona in Shrek the Musical and portrayed her just as accurately off stage as on...(not the ogre part though of course.) Playing Fiona was so much more fun than I ever dreamed it would be at the beginning of the process. Judging only by the movies I was just a teeny bit vacillant about jumping right into this role... I felt a bit too far away, she didn't seem exactly like my kind of princess. But I was looking at her all wrong. As soon as I read the script and listened to the music it hit me, that's exactly what was missing. That's all I needed to connect with her and understand her and I very very quickly grew to LOVE this character.
     As I'm sure you've gathered by now that when I said "home" I didn't exactly mean the place I sleep at night. I meant the place where I truly feel my heart belongs, and that is the stage. There is far too much to be said on the subject of "the stage" to write about all at once and I'm sure much on that topic will carry over into numerous blog posts, so I'll leave you now with this video of one of my favorite songs from Shrek, "I Know It's Today."
      And though I could continue on for quite a while, I'll stop talking now because I really reeeaaaalllyyy want you to watch this video and obvs you can't spend your entire life reading about me... unless you can in which case please comment below;) (again, not meant to sound creepy.) Okay guys, see ya next week... uhh, write ya next week... enjoy!

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