Monday, July 14, 2014

Another Show Comes To An End...

    Well.... it's the day after the final performance of TARZAN. This day always feels the strangest. You spend so long working towards one goal and then all of a sudden it's over. These next few days we spend cleaning up everything from costumes to props to organizing set pieces and finding space to fit all of the new materials we made and bought in the small space we have. I'd have to say, this is the worst part of the process haha. But as we mosey around the house cleaning up I just can't stop thinking about TARZAN and everything I learned and the beautiful cast of people I had the opportunity to work with.

   As I've mentioned before, I've been in many different casts over the years and out of each one came something new. Some experiences have been positive, some not so positive. But only a few casts have had a true impact on my life.
   When we formed Sing for America Productions we wanted our casts to experience something different than your average theater experience. We wanted them to not only be a part of a cast with a positive and clean environment but we wanted them to be a part of a FAMILY.
   This TARZAN cast was truly a FAMILY! This cast has made a lasting impression on my heart and soul. We had so many new people this summer. People who had never worked with us before and people who had never even been on stage before but each one showed their talent in that audition room and before they new it were part of the Sing for America FAMILY.
   To the cast: I would just like to say what an absolute pleasure it was to work with all of you! I watched you grow immensly from the beginning of bootcamp to the very last performance. I watched as we we went from a bunch of strangers to best friends to a FAMILY. I watched as you put blood, sweat, and tears into every single dance, song and scene. As you grew as people and as performers in the few short weeks we spent together. As in every family there are always going to be small rifts that occur but we were able to overcome them and move past them and stay strong and not let the small stuff effect our performance. You are all such beautiful and talented individuals and I know you will all be successful in everything in anything you do.
   I would like to say a HUGE GOOD LUCK to Andrew, Alexa, Elizabeth, Jenna, Kylie, Zikey, T, and Valerie who are going away to school this Fall. I know you'll do awesome and amazing things and I hope you'll bring everything you've learned here with you wherever you go.

   Last but not least I want to thank the mothers and cast members that were there helping all the time and were always willing to step up and do the extra thing whether it was giving someone a ride, sewing a hook and eye, organizing the lobby, just being there asking if we needed help with anything, etc. We could'nt have done it without you!

I love each and every one of you! You are all part of the FAMILY! You're stuck with us for life! These relationships formed will last forever in our hearts and in true Tarzan fashion I will end with...

"You'll be in my heart forever and always"

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