Monday, March 3, 2014


    Well we are back to Monday! Since we have started this blog I feel like Monday is coming quicker and quicker each week haha. This week I'm especially excited for though because my birthday is in a few days. I'm going to be a whopping 24 YEARS OLD!!! THIS THURSDAY!!! It's crazy, I can't believe how much time passes in what feels like seconds. 
    I've always had a problem with getting older. Ever since I turned 17 the years just started passing so quickly and I wanted it all to stop. I always felt like at certain ages I should've accomplished certain things and that as I was growing older, time to do and be who I wanted to be was running out. I see all of the young celebrities and when reading about them so many of them got their break just from being in the right place at the right time. Sure they worked hard and everything but what really gave so many of them their start was something that happened by chance when they least expected it. I used to say, "Why can't that happen to us?" "Why can't a music producer hear us singing in a barbershop or happen to run into us at Best Buy, or just be passing through and catch one of our productions?" But at this point in my life (and it took awhile to get here) I realize that nothing we do or are meant to be happens on our time. I may have thought at age 16, 18, 21.. that I was ready to become a so-called star and live that life but looking back at the person I was then, I don't I was quite there in more ways than one. I am still constantly reminding myself as we run into obstacles every day that 

1. If it is part of God's plan for me, it'll happen 


2. It won't happen when I want it to happen, it'll happen when God plans for it to happen. 

    These two things are so difficult to live by, especially in a society where everything is instant from texting to fast passes at Disneyland. We, as a society, have become so impatient, and I am among the worst! I pray all the time for God to give me patience and it's something I have to work really hard at every day. But because of the way we live we lack patience in everything we do such as waiting to see what role we got, waiting to see if we got a job, waiting to see if we got accepted to a college, or on a larger scale waiting for our future to start in general. It's hard as a young person nowadays to not just expect things to fall into our laps as soon as we want them. That's why it's so important to realize that just because things are happening on the time line we want them to happen it doesn't mean it's never going to happen so we might as well just give up, it means we just keep trudging along and working hard and praying and when those things are supposed to happen, they will. 
   I used to have everything all planned out in my head. I knew I'd be famous by the time I was 21, get married to a football player before I was 25, have 5 kids and then do little side projects just for fun the rest of my life. Then I woke up.. LOL! I still have dreams and goals and aspirations but once I turned 21 and I wasn't playing shows every night I didn't just throw the towel in and call it a day, I continued working hard, started working on new goals, and reminded myself everyday that in the end, if I follow God's plan for me, I'll be happy, the happiest I can be on earth until I can be with Him in heaven. 
   A great example is people who have worked her butt off for years and have yet to be discovered. They probably asked themselves the same questions every day about why they are not quite where they want to be in their lives. The answer is that, NOW is not yet their time! For reasons only God knows, this is His plan for them.
   It is so comforting to know that God, who loves me and all of you in spite of everything, has a plan for us. It might be up to us to figure it out, but when we do, we will have reached our potential here on earth and we'll know it when we do! 



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