Hey all you people! I know its been a while since I last posted, but I'm back and ready for you to delve into my life once again. This week I'm posting about "How Well Do You Know Your Siblings?" Is everybody ready....and....and....and begin!
There are questions that are Yes or No, Either/Or, Favorites, and Situations. I'm going to start with questions Taryn answered for me.
1. Do I get invested in TV soap operas? Her answer was yes, I will explain why that made no sense a little bit later.
2. Do I plan my actions before I do them? She answered yes. I guess this is a solid answer. I don't know if I exactly agree though.
3. If I was stranded for three days would I choose a jungle or a forest? She chose forest. Sometimes I really question if she is actually my sister.
4. Would I choose sunset or starlight? ....sunset.....I just have no words....
5. If I were a girl would I be a cheerleader, that weird girl, a wallflower, or a brainiac? And the winner is cheerleader.
6. Favorite ice cream flavor? Key lime pie....I dont even think that exists!
Finally done with Taryn's answers for me... on to Jewel's.
1. Do I consider myself nosy? He said no and the answer is no... at least someone knows me.
2. Hockey or baseball? Hockey. Right again.
3. Which Dance Moms dancer would I be? He chose Nia. I have a little rant ready about that for later.
Ok enough with others answering for me here are my answers.
1. Do I emotionally invest myself in soap operas? NO I don't even watch soap operas. My fifteen minutes of tv is taken up wholly by cartoons because I like a good laugh. On the other hand though if I am watching a really serious movie I do get pretty invested, but that wasn't the question so the answer is still no.
2. Do I plan my actions ahead of time? Yes I do in daily life, but all the fun and funny things I do are always unplanned.
3. Do I consider myself nosy? No, silly question.
4. Do I untie my shoes when I take them off? Of course I do, they would get all messed up if I didn't.
5. Do I blush? The anwer would be no, due to my complection it's kinda impossible. But, if I had to guess on the inside.. Do I blush? I would guess - yes - but we will never really know, will we?
6. Sunset or starlight? I would have to go starlight, I just like it more. Don't get me wrong though, sunset is not a bad backup plan.
7. Hockey or baseball? I choose hockey in general. To watch I choose hockey, but if I had to play it, definitely baseball. Hockey is too crazy.
8. Napkin, tissue or paper towel? I would choose tissue because nothing can match its softness and you can get the durability of a napkin or towel by just using a bunch of tissues, but you can never make a napkin or towel soft.
9. If I was stranded for three days would I choose a jungle or forest? Definitely jungle, they are just better than forests.
10. If I could live to be 120 with no ailments would I? Yes, that would be like the perfect time before you just get tired of everything.
11. If I were a girl would I be a cheerleader, a wallflower, that wierd girl or a brainiac? cheerleader for sure.
12. Favorite ice cream? Birthday cake, I'm like ninety percent sure about birthday cake. It's a hard question.
Now questions that I answered for Jewel.
1. After prolonged socializing does he feel he needs to be alone? I say yes but some people disagree with me... I just think they don't know themselves.
2. Is he a distant and reserved person in communication? I wouldn't really put it in those words, but yes. I would more say short and a tad angry.
3. Hair, skin, height, style, smile, eye's or voice? I went style, but the question was a little unclear so I just took it as what do you notice first.
4. If he was in a maze and could go left, right, or straight which would he choose? I think he would switch off each time it happened so he would sort of make a pattern with the directions he chose, but he would start to the right.
Questions I answerd for Teara
1. Does she play well with others? Yes, but thats strictly playing, if its working well with others then heck no!
2. White or black? I chose white but I had no idea what the question was referring to so I made up my own meaning, (if you know Teara and I you know why I chose white.)
3. If she lived on a different planet which would it be? I went with Jupiter, truthfully though, it was only because it was the first one that popped into my head.
Last one, questions I answered for Taryn.
1. Does she tend to be unbiased even if it might hurt her good relationship with people? Yes; she does not really care one bit.
2. Does she often think of human kind and its destiny? NO don't think so.
3. Bird or fish? Bird
4. If she was a fruit would she be a strawberry, pineapple, watermelon, pomegranate or honeydew? She would be a pomegranate no doubt, her whole self just yells pomogranite.
5. If she could have the Sorcerer's Stone would she take it? No way, she would get tired of life way to quickly and be mad that she ever had it.
Ok, so I saved this one for the end.
If I was a Dance Moms dancer which one would I be? I chose Chloe because I always kinda just liked her the best and I could see myself being her. Now Jewel said I would be Nia but he only said that because he is jealous and probably always wanted to be Chloe but knows he never will be so that was never even in the discussion. We all know Jewel would end up being Kendall or Mackenzie and I guess he is a little sour about that, but you are who you are I can't help that. With the end of that little rant I'm ending my blog post, hope you enjoyed.
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