Monday, October 6, 2014

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

One thing that we always try to do is surround ourselves with good people, people who make us better people and people who can offer us something. A friendship is a give and take.

In life, we always come across people we like, dislike, could take or leave, or love. Some become acquaintances, some become friends, and some may become more than friends. All of those people will have an impact on our lives in one way or another, could be positive or negative. Its up to us who we want to remain in our lives, who we choose to spend our time with.

Everyone wants to feel like they belong somewhere and often times finding a group of people who you like and who will accept you makes you feel like you belong somewhere. That is often times what gets us in trouble. Its so easy to fall into a group that invites you to be a part of them even if they aren't the ideal people you should be hanging out with. I have fallen into situations like these and whwn I find myself changing to fit the people im spending my time with and that change is not for the better I realize its time to take a step back a re-evaluate the people I'm spending my time with. That's why I am so thankful to have my siblings. My mom always said, friends come and go but family will always be there. They are in it for the long run! These days, finding reliable people or people who I know will stick around for a while is hard! So many people have come in and out of my life but the ones that I know will always be there are my siblings.

So,  to all those out there reading this, keep your family close to you! They are the best you've got! No matter what differences you may have had in the past remember that they are still your family and no matter what they will love you through thick and thin. Make amends! It'll be worth it in the end!

Blood is thicker than water!


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