Today is part one - FINDING A PURPOSE.
An actors mission is not usually directly attributed to acting. At SFAP it is the first step because I believe having a personal goal in your overall profession of performing can bring more life to every character you play but also keep you sane as you dance the minefield of showbiz. It is no secret that the entertainer's life is often a sad one. The industry will tear you apart if you are unsuccessful, leaving a person a shell. Sometimes it is even worse if you make it, if the road to get there left you less than what you were before, as you filled whatever role or part you had to to get to the top. More and more examples of fallen stars are strewn around us. Why would someone who has it all Millions of dollars, Millions of fans, everything and anything the ever dreamed of be so broken? They lost sight of truth and love somewhere along the line and now they are searching for it desperately. They have the means to look for it it in the darkest places due to their position and they descend deeper into the confusion.
As performers (and I've blogged on this topic often) we have the most powerful hand in the formation of the public conscience, second to only parents and religion. It is a duty to only take on roles which will positively affect our audience. Projects which glorify violence, drugs, or most importantly false love must be turned down or we risk cultivating a twisted society. Most "famous" performers have abandoned this mindset. As our entertainment degraded so did our communities and vice versa. We must usher in a new age, or better reclaim the golden age of entertaining-for the people to have something to hold onto, to hope for, to dream about. To be better than we are, to improve and enjoy the struggles we have when we decide to climb that hill!
So, develop a performing conscience and find a personal goal to champion. The poor, uneducated, lost, hopeless, bringing truth to society, showing true love, inspiration...... what gets you excited? Find what that something is and fight for it, be a positive agent for change in the world through your work. We neeeed you, America NEEEEEDDDS Y O U to be a leader. Wear that with honor, pride, and humility.
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