Tuesday, December 30, 2014
New Years Eve post preview
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Christmas Lights Shinning Bright

Producing these musicals and now having 8 casts, 8 families you wont completely unite in that way again puts time in perspective quick. Sometimes I feel like none of it matters as it is sand running through the cracks in my hand. All that work goes into one weekend and then if you let it it doesn't exist. Poof it is gone. After growing so attached it is hard to keep saying goodbye, yet it is the nature of the mission.
Christmas is often a time for melancholy or even depression for some, those nostalgic hauntings of a better time when perhaps our families were still whole and well seem to swirl all around us. I feel like this, remembering traditions like Christmas day visiting our great grandparents house on our dads side and the whole family being there. Now they have both gone to the Father, tradition broken.
Instead of letting our memories live as only that, good times be forgotten or living to only recall them, or most importantly allowing the relationships we have built with people fade to nothing we gotta put the past, present, and future in their place. I live by a few rules to make the moments more than only that......moments.
1. Do things with a purpose: more than personal pleasure to make the world better on hug and smile and tear at a time. If it doesn't make someone's life better don't do it. This is a sense of duty which always keeps us pressing on to our next big goal instead of only looking back
2. Laugh: make the best of every situation have fun when you should hate what you doing, . make each moment the best it can be for you and others around you.
3. Build unselfish relationships Stay in touch: love people just for being people and vbe there for them for them whether they treat great or poor do what you think is best for them. Once they are out of your for Immediate lives DON'T LET PEOPLE YOU SHARED SOMETHING WITH BECOME STRANGERS, occasionally ask them how things are. Some drift away, they will and there is nothing you can do. Don't be the one drifting ( as long as they do not negatively impact your life)
5. Learn something from everyone and thing and apply it to life: pull a moral, a self improvement from every activity which then lives through us. This keeps the memories tangible.
6. Let those we lose live through us: if we lose someone we love let what they taught us or what it meant to know them affect our every day life. Sometimes it is death or other times it is life that gets between us. Give every person worth.
7. Pray for those we lose: In death or friendships ruined or lost or loves gone cold
8. Let the past live through us, live in the PRESENT, live for the future
A Little Princess was an incredible experience filled with remarkable people I pray are always in my life and involved with Sing For America. I told the cast to let what we learned here and the love we shared change us and in turn change our circles, spread through our community and in that way A Little Princess will live on forever." Let Your Heart Be Your Compass", "follow after what you've always loved and take the rest in stride", and finally "may God bring good things to you".
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Why Bother?
once again bodys gone weary
Eyes won't open wide
A little blur in our sight
Dreams so full 4 weeks ago
Strike fear down to the very bone
Hoping against hope
Wishing for naught
Feel as if your ship has already embarked
All those empty seats so rigid and stark
Wonder if they will be filled by the time the lights go dark
Orchestra, tech, and crew disappointed your start
You stare as things come together or fall apart
Sinking but yet rising feeling in our heart
For once again you remember its all for the art
All for the dreams we can help create
Brighten a day if only one day
And if that majic falls on only one soul
Does that mean it has gone cold
If you take the stage and see but a mere small girl
Don't you know to her this is the world
We protect that fantasy guard the imaginations seas
Take her away to a distant place
Let her believe
Let her believe
Life seams
Are sewn
With these dreams
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Scottish Rite Cathedral
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Today was our final class of the first semester:'( Each of these performers grew to new heights! We are so sad to have say goodbye to this inspiring bunch. That is only overshadowed by how proud we are of each of them. Enrollment for the second semester is open! Sign up TODAY.
Www.singforamerica.com to buy tickets for A Little Princess, December 17-21st
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Thanksgiving: "Do It Anyway"
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Congrats Jorne!!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
I'm Back and blogging up a storm!
Hey all you people. I know its been a little while since I was last on here so I'm going to bring you up to speed on my life right now. Starting with my bass playing, this year I tried out for the chamber stings at Easton High School. its an auditioned group of about thirty kids that goes around and plays for different events in the community. Its a really fun group to be a part of and I have learned so much more about music since I started. I was really happy to have gotten first chair string bass on my first time trying out. Another this new this year is my teacher asked me to play the bass in the schools wind ensemble we had our first performance two days ago on Veterans day. We played some really great music including one piece called ''AMERICAN VETERAN" which brought you through the life of just one of our brave soldiers that have and keep sacrificing for our freedom every day. It was a very nice ceremony and I'm very happy to have been a part of it. Now I know what you're thinking why is a sting instrument in wind ensemble and I my answer is I don't know but my teacher has a reason even if it doesn't make sense to me. Ok last thing about music I promise. Last night the orchestra had there first ever fall concert and we were honored to have the conductor of the Kutztown orchestra come down and play a violin concerto with us. He was an outstanding musician and on top of that he was a real nice guy. The audience loved every minute of the concert and so did I.
On to SFAP ( if your are a new follower that stands for Sing For America Productions) "A Little Princess" rehearsals are going very well, everyone is learning there parts and doing a fantastic job. In this show alone with some other cast members I will be plays a magic African. I say magic because that's what is says in the script. Its a fun part filled with a lot of dancing, the best part is that I got to make up my own name in the show. The out of rehearsal stuff is going well too. The set is coming together quite nicely in me house and we are already selling tickets so we are going to have a great crowd for the shows. I think That good for this post so I will see you cats on the flip side, and by that I mean next Thursday peace.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
"Move the Masses?": make it happen

Alrighty, after over a month it's time for a new Tuesday blog topic! Today I'll talk about advertising for A little Princess, our Christmas musical being performed at the Sottish Rite Cathedral in Allentown, PA, December 17-21. ( that was some publicity right there!) Yesterday Jorne had basketball intramurals (we ended up just feasting at Giant on 15$, but that's another story) as I walked into the team room I read a poster:
Monday, November 3, 2014
Election Day!
Tomorrow is election day! Some of you may be aware of this others may have no idea so here's a reminder! If you are old enough to vote go out and vote! Every vote counts! Don't think that just because each person only gets to vote once that each of those individual votes didn't make a difference. This election is so important to our country. Go out tomorrow and do the one thing you can do to ensure you had a say in who the people making decisions for your country and your future are going to be. Our country is not in a great place right now but each of us has the power to change that even if in such a small way as taking a few minutes out of your day to go vote. So go out, make your vote count! You have nothing to lose! I'll be working at my local polling place from 6am-9pm.. wish me luck! :)
Act Baby pt.4 FINALE!!!

Acting Lecture Series Part 4 - Becoming a Character: portrayal and assessment
Now here you are you've found a meaning to perform, lost yourself, learned everything about a character you are to be come......now it is time to become it!!! Soak up the the information like a sponge in dyed water. practice different techniques see what feels right have others watch actively find your character, decide some things about the way you will potray him. keeping it natural. practice being this person and not yourself do exersises as hime work as him play as hime remembering the instructions i have laid out.
Here is the final step. This is actually where I say: all the instructions I've written, all that you now know about yourself, all you may be actively trying to suppress, all you have learned of your character..... forget it. Wring out the water in the sponge letting the dye remain! Try to let yourself once again go so you can freely act! This should feel thoughtless and fun. Weightless as you are within another or better another is within you instead of one acting as another.
For a serious actor now he must asses his performance. Depending on the how long a role is being played and what direction you are receiving when you asses yourself varies. I do it constantly, to much even because it interferes with staying in character but to find the happy medium is hard. Even harder is what you use as your barometer to judge yourself. A subtle mix of all of these must be your tool for assesment, depending on your venue the value of each varies: audience feedback (in many instances the worst judge), peers, director, mentors, fellow performers, overall success of the show/other, your effect on the production/other, and yourself. Never stop improving and remember almost every opinion is bias for OR against you.
That close our Series on an Introduction to acting!! Thanks For reading, what do you think?
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Also, our second and last performance of The End? is Thursday! It went well on Sunday and so this time is should be even better... hopefully... haha.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Act Baby Pt. 3

Recap: In our acting segment of class I am giving a lecture series. This is a new technique we are attempting to try to give the student a base to work off of before putting principles into action. More importantly, through their written answers, we will know if they truly understand and internalize the concepts. Last weeks lesson: losing yourself.
Part Three- Becoming A Character
Now, you have found your personal calling and conscience as a performer. You understand and are able to 'Lose Yourself'; you are ready to start becoming a character. In The Outline in "Act Baby Intro" Becoming A character is split up into 4 subsections, Today I will do 2 and then the final 2 next Tuesday!
1. Identify and interpret your character
2. Determine our characters full purpose
So you are going into an audition, you received a lead in a musical, you are an extra in a play, you are about to perform an improv skit; in every one of these situations we have a character to identify. Whether it is one we are creating or a work of another's we must delve into our first step is to identify......WHO AM I.
I'll take 2 contrasting situations to explain.
First, you have received a part with a name, Simone, and some lines in a musical....now what? (honestly you should have went pretty deep into the characters when you auditioned for the show but we'll take it from this point) Write a character sketch, a detailed one. Answer the questions Who? What? Why? When? Where? and How? for your character. Understand "Simone's" favorite color, aspirations,home life, appearance, gait, facial expressions, and more. Some of this will be given to you through a character description and within the show's, dialogue but much of the information will have to be created by you. This information should feel more like a discovery of something that already is as opposed to a creation of something new. Read the entire script methodically, everything you "discover" should be in perfect sync with "Simone's" part in the story and should contribute to the script, not be in contrast with the way the character is written to speak and act. This info should fulfill, not change, the character. Draw a picture of "Simone" now. See yourself as this image. Take all the information you now have and start to see how "Simone" would act in situations. See it come to life; see yourself bringing it to life.
In improv, auditions, and ensemble work I see, especially from beginner students, a lack of understanding of finding a character independent from ourselves. In reality each of these grant more freedom to the actor to create and it is more necessary for him to do so (no small parts only small actors). So, situation two: you are about to go up to perform in an improv class. Here you quickly do, albeit modified and more mentally than physically, everything in situation one. This can completely change your abilities to quickly think and react on your feet. You will be a dynamic performer.
This brings us to the next step, CHARACTER'S PURPOSE. When improvising this is the most important thing. You must know your end goal; comedy, drama, or suspense you will need to know where the scene is beginning, going to, and then ending. Your overall purpose is to get to each point but within that you have a particular character's purpose and this reaches across all areas of performance.
1. purpose of the show
2. author's purpose in writing the character into the show
(a) how does he move along the story, what are the consequences to his actions
(b)what was the author saying to the audience with the character
3. Your purpose in playing the character
4.Your characters purpose within the show
(a) what are the characters dreams and ambitions, why does he exist, what is his purpose to live
(b) every scene, every action
You can have every piece of the puzzle but if you don't know the purpose you are lost.
Knowing the full purpose of your character will open a new world to you. Directors will love you when you come to them to "make sure you are capturing their vision", wink wink.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Act Baby! Pt. 2

Part two of the lecture series - Lose Yourself
This is a huge one. Those two words encompass so much of what we build
our acting skills upon.
To give a definition of what I mean by "lose yourself" is very difficult. I'll try... in a sentence it means to lose who you are so as to fully allow a character to live through you. Bringing it to life
by removing the barriers you impose on it by the your own limits and personality.
There are levels to oneself, to lose them we must dissect who we are.
We have the outward person, the things others can see. Our behavior, habits, posture, reactions, etc. Think about how you sit, what do you do when nervous, responses to happenings, facial expressions, and all of those actions particular to ourselves. These are key in assuming a character. He will probably sit, react, talk differently than us. These subconscious parts to us are difficult to
lose without seeming forced, but with much practice you can make it look effortless.
Then we have the even more challenging task of wiping away our inward person. Basically what makes us individuals,what makes you....you. Dreams, ambitions, fears, past, opinions, and all that
good stuff. This inner person shapes the outer. As a beginner we have to consciously pick apart the depths of our personality and more importantly why it is. Why are you you? Only then can you wipe it away to start anew.
Pick actors who you exemplify for their skills of assuming a complete persona. Think of those who are able to play contrasting roles. Learn from them. Will Smith, Amy Adams, Sandra Bullock, Josh
Peck (haha) these actors all played contrasting characters well.
So why all of this? Why as young actors should we go through a confusing concept and long process of "losing yourself" to play a part? Because when we do we become UNLIMITED, freed of our own person and inhibitions! We are free to completely assume a character; to become something we are often incapable of. We can become a hero or even a saint. Imagine - we have 100℅ of ourselves, that means if we want to fill ourselves up with a complete 100% character we must empty out all of of that 100% because once we exceed that 100% we become an unreal cluttered ineffective mess of a character ( that was very difficult to put into writing sorry). Once we get to 0% we can add whatever we need in.
Sometimes our most powerful acting comes when we put some of 'us' into the character.
Heath Ledger as the Joker in "DARK KNIGHT" was the best example of this in today's Hollywood. From his facial tick, to pronunciation, to posture. The performance was conclusive, deep, complete, consistent, and real. For a fantasy comic book villain with over the top acting
and so much added habits he was real and hit home.
Last reason to lose yourself....??IT Is FUNNN. We get to be someone else to explore imagine and create. See life through another's eyes. Some actors are confident secure and love the thrill of acting and what it brings to the world. That's not most of us. Many actors are insecure and uncomfortable in their own skin -- they can't wait to get out of it. They crave the attention, the praise, and the self gratification of acting. This is destructive. Loving the spotlight is one thing but needing it is whole other monster that eats you up. It is why we see seemingly dream come true celebrities consistently destroying their lives, leaving them in pieces. Their divorces, addictions, and failures are left in the wake. Don't fall into this. Last week you sought a higher purpose for performing than applause, remember that always. This being said, let acting be your outlet and release. It can be a crucial part to keeping you sane whether on Broadway or your local community stage.
In closing, identify your ticks and habits and small idiosyncrasies and
when you lose yourself they will be gone and you will be ready to give the most believable performance of your life. (If we literally took ourselves away without any character to assume we would be a lifeless blob lol so we must know the character we are becoming). Next weeks topic- Identifying a Character!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Hello all! I can't believe it's been a week already... Time is flying by so quickly! I guess that's what happens when you're busy. I love being busy but I hate it when the time feels like it's passing In the blink of an eye. There has got to be a happy medium and I am determined to find it! Haha
Lately, we have been working incredibly hard on the show we are writing! Our life has been consumed with our melodies, lyrics, lines and choreography. Then on top of that we are teaching lessons and preparing for our Christmas show "A Little Princess." Needless to say, our life has been so hectic and crazy we barely have time to breathe haha. But we are so excited to finally present or final product of our original musical! It's going to be our greatest accomplishment! I'm going to attach the poster for our show so you all out there can come see it! Its free so you have no excuses! Lol We've poured our heart and soul out into this musical and we hope our audience will appreciate the work we've put into it!
Hope to see you there!!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Act Baby! Pt.1

Today is part one - FINDING A PURPOSE.
An actors mission is not usually directly attributed to acting. At SFAP it is the first step because I believe having a personal goal in your overall profession of performing can bring more life to every character you play but also keep you sane as you dance the minefield of showbiz. It is no secret that the entertainer's life is often a sad one. The industry will tear you apart if you are unsuccessful, leaving a person a shell. Sometimes it is even worse if you make it, if the road to get there left you less than what you were before, as you filled whatever role or part you had to to get to the top. More and more examples of fallen stars are strewn around us. Why would someone who has it all Millions of dollars, Millions of fans, everything and anything the ever dreamed of be so broken? They lost sight of truth and love somewhere along the line and now they are searching for it desperately. They have the means to look for it it in the darkest places due to their position and they descend deeper into the confusion.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Blood Is Thicker Than Water
One thing that we always try to do is surround ourselves with good people, people who make us better people and people who can offer us something. A friendship is a give and take.
In life, we always come across people we like, dislike, could take or leave, or love. Some become acquaintances, some become friends, and some may become more than friends. All of those people will have an impact on our lives in one way or another, could be positive or negative. Its up to us who we want to remain in our lives, who we choose to spend our time with.
Everyone wants to feel like they belong somewhere and often times finding a group of people who you like and who will accept you makes you feel like you belong somewhere. That is often times what gets us in trouble. Its so easy to fall into a group that invites you to be a part of them even if they aren't the ideal people you should be hanging out with. I have fallen into situations like these and whwn I find myself changing to fit the people im spending my time with and that change is not for the better I realize its time to take a step back a re-evaluate the people I'm spending my time with. That's why I am so thankful to have my siblings. My mom always said, friends come and go but family will always be there. They are in it for the long run! These days, finding reliable people or people who I know will stick around for a while is hard! So many people have come in and out of my life but the ones that I know will always be there are my siblings.
So, to all those out there reading this, keep your family close to you! They are the best you've got! No matter what differences you may have had in the past remember that they are still your family and no matter what they will love you through thick and thin. Make amends! It'll be worth it in the end!
Blood is thicker than water!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
There are questions that are Yes or No, Either/Or, Favorites, and Situations. I'm going to start with questions Taryn answered for me.
1. Do I get invested in TV soap operas? Her answer was yes, I will explain why that made no sense a little bit later.
2. Do I plan my actions before I do them? She answered yes. I guess this is a solid answer. I don't know if I exactly agree though.
3. If I was stranded for three days would I choose a jungle or a forest? She chose forest. Sometimes I really question if she is actually my sister.
4. Would I choose sunset or starlight? ....sunset.....I just have no words....
5. If I were a girl would I be a cheerleader, that weird girl, a wallflower, or a brainiac? And the winner is cheerleader.
6. Favorite ice cream flavor? Key lime pie....I dont even think that exists!
Finally done with Taryn's answers for me... on to Jewel's.
1. Do I consider myself nosy? He said no and the answer is no... at least someone knows me.
2. Hockey or baseball? Hockey. Right again.
3. Which Dance Moms dancer would I be? He chose Nia. I have a little rant ready about that for later.
Ok enough with others answering for me here are my answers.
1. Do I emotionally invest myself in soap operas? NO I don't even watch soap operas. My fifteen minutes of tv is taken up wholly by cartoons because I like a good laugh. On the other hand though if I am watching a really serious movie I do get pretty invested, but that wasn't the question so the answer is still no.
2. Do I plan my actions ahead of time? Yes I do in daily life, but all the fun and funny things I do are always unplanned.
3. Do I consider myself nosy? No, silly question.
4. Do I untie my shoes when I take them off? Of course I do, they would get all messed up if I didn't.
5. Do I blush? The anwer would be no, due to my complection it's kinda impossible. But, if I had to guess on the inside.. Do I blush? I would guess - yes - but we will never really know, will we?
6. Sunset or starlight? I would have to go starlight, I just like it more. Don't get me wrong though, sunset is not a bad backup plan.
7. Hockey or baseball? I choose hockey in general. To watch I choose hockey, but if I had to play it, definitely baseball. Hockey is too crazy.
8. Napkin, tissue or paper towel? I would choose tissue because nothing can match its softness and you can get the durability of a napkin or towel by just using a bunch of tissues, but you can never make a napkin or towel soft.
9. If I was stranded for three days would I choose a jungle or forest? Definitely jungle, they are just better than forests.
10. If I could live to be 120 with no ailments would I? Yes, that would be like the perfect time before you just get tired of everything.
11. If I were a girl would I be a cheerleader, a wallflower, that wierd girl or a brainiac? cheerleader for sure.
12. Favorite ice cream? Birthday cake, I'm like ninety percent sure about birthday cake. It's a hard question.
Now questions that I answered for Jewel.
1. After prolonged socializing does he feel he needs to be alone? I say yes but some people disagree with me... I just think they don't know themselves.
2. Is he a distant and reserved person in communication? I wouldn't really put it in those words, but yes. I would more say short and a tad angry.
3. Hair, skin, height, style, smile, eye's or voice? I went style, but the question was a little unclear so I just took it as what do you notice first.
4. If he was in a maze and could go left, right, or straight which would he choose? I think he would switch off each time it happened so he would sort of make a pattern with the directions he chose, but he would start to the right.
Questions I answerd for Teara
1. Does she play well with others? Yes, but thats strictly playing, if its working well with others then heck no!
2. White or black? I chose white but I had no idea what the question was referring to so I made up my own meaning, (if you know Teara and I you know why I chose white.)
3. If she lived on a different planet which would it be? I went with Jupiter, truthfully though, it was only because it was the first one that popped into my head.
Last one, questions I answered for Taryn.
1. Does she tend to be unbiased even if it might hurt her good relationship with people? Yes; she does not really care one bit.
2. Does she often think of human kind and its destiny? NO don't think so.
3. Bird or fish? Bird
4. If she was a fruit would she be a strawberry, pineapple, watermelon, pomegranate or honeydew? She would be a pomegranate no doubt, her whole self just yells pomogranite.
5. If she could have the Sorcerer's Stone would she take it? No way, she would get tired of life way to quickly and be mad that she ever had it.
Ok, so I saved this one for the end.
If I was a Dance Moms dancer which one would I be? I chose Chloe because I always kinda just liked her the best and I could see myself being her. Now Jewel said I would be Nia but he only said that because he is jealous and probably always wanted to be Chloe but knows he never will be so that was never even in the discussion. We all know Jewel would end up being Kendall or Mackenzie and I guess he is a little sour about that, but you are who you are I can't help that. With the end of that little rant I'm ending my blog post, hope you enjoyed.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dear Lord,
Fill me with your glory and your hope.
Help me to remember that without you
I can do nothing very long
But with you,
I can help further your holy plan.
Assist my spirit in remembering
That I can be instrumental and steadfast
Faithfully aiding our heavenly Mother
To nurture all of her children
Through kindness and love.
Teach me to remember what I have always known,
That I came from You and I shall return to You,
And there, within Your perpetual light,
My every tear shall dry away for I shall be with You
And those I loved so dearly here.
Guide me in Your plan to courageously and fearlessly say,
Not my will but Yours be done
Trusting always that my motivations here on earth
Are driven by Your holy will.
Show me the happiness which springs forth from having faith,
The peace and joy that forgiveness brings,
And how prayer always makes lifemeaningful,
Despite any fears, or losses or pain
I may be suffering in the moment.
Love me into full being so when I am born to eternal life,
I shall feel fulfilled realizing I recognized and multiplied
All the talents You gave to me
And the sweet validation and peace I may humbly claim
From listening to You, The Bridegroom of my soul.
For everything there is a season,
and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born,
and a time to die;
a time to plant,
and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill,
and a time to heal;
a time to break down,
and a time to build up;
a time to weep,
and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn,
and a time to dance;
a time to throw away stones,
and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek,
and a time to lose;
a time to keep,
and a time to throw away;
a time to tear,
and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence,
and a time to speak;
a time to love,
and a time to hate;
a time for war,
and a time for peace.
[Ecclesiastes 3:1-18; NRSV]
Glorious St. Joseph, model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the graceto work conscientiously, putting the call ofduty above my many sins; to work with thankfulness and joy, considering it an honor to employ and develop, by means of labor, thegifts received from God; to work with order, peace, prudence and patience, never surrendering to weariness or difficulties; to work, above all, with purity of intention, and with detachment from self, having always death before my eyes and the account which I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, ofgood omitted, of vain complacency in success so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all for Mary, all after thy example, OPatriarch Joseph. Such shall be my motto inlife and death. Amen.
Act Baby! INTRO
Great actors have been quoted saying how easy it was..............if only it was like that for all of us!
See, yes, I believe acting is an easy profession. I've been on sets and understand the all day all night taping times, the on set struggle , the sad life blah, blah, blah but really its a great way to make a living once we compare it to other jobs. The problem is, it's easy to do( anyone can dooo it) BUT HARD TO BE GOOD AT! Terrible acting stinks from a mile away. Even sub par acting in prime time TV and movies are easily spotted with relative consensus.
There are to many methods to count on acting and becoming a character. I'll share my two cents.
The next two weeks on the blog I'll share my course breakdown. Tell me what you think!
Major points:
(A) find your greatest purpose in performing and more importantly establish a moral compass and guidelines you perform within to fulfill this purpose
(1) Identify and interperate the character
(2) Discern the characters purpose, from the greater purpose to particular in every scene
(3) conceive your portrayal of this character
(4) deliver,deliver,deliver,deliver
Monday, September 29, 2014
Do You Feel Like You Wanna Give Up?
Today I'm gonna open up a bit to you all. I want to share with you part of myself that I'm sure many of you have felt at one time or another. This is something that I think about a lot and I let it get in my way of success. I let it paralyze me. We are human, nobody's perfect, we all have things about ourselves that we try to hide and they get in our way. But there are a few things we can remember when we are having these feelings.
Alright, let me backtrack...
As you all may know my family and I have a theater production company. Our goal is to own our own theater. At least, that's our goal in a nutshell, there's a lot more to it. What you all might not know is that that wasn't always our "dream." Having our own theater wasn't always my goal growing up. Growing up, my sisters and I had the dream of so many kids out there, we wanted to be famous! We wanted to perform concerts with thousands of people in attendance, we wanted to be on Broadway and have lots of fans from ages 0-1000. It was a juvenile dream because we had no idea how we were gonna get there but that's what we wanted. So as the years passed we performed and performed trying to figure how we could get where we wanted without just being in the right place at the right time as so often happens with celebrities. Now, I was always the type of person that once I turned 16 I felt old and I felt like time was passing by so quickly and I was running out of time to be a success. I saw people my age rising to stardom and I was eager to be in the same place. On one hand I like being the age I am and on the other hand I just want to be 16 again haha fast forward to 2011. That was when our goals took a turn. I had been feeling like we were spinning our wheels, we had no clear path, I was getting a little bored of doing the same old shows we'd been doing for years and I was still getting older! Time was passing and I was no closer to my, our, goal.
Then came Cinderella! That's when everything changed and we decided what we wanted to do. We finally saw a path that we could take. It was a little blurry but it was something! Now fast forward again to the present, 2014. We have a clear goal, we know what we want to do, but obstacles keep getting in our way, everything seems as if we are always waiting for someone else to respond, opportunities come and go because of circumstances that are out of our control and once again I start to feel like I'm running out of time and nothing is happening the way we want it to! I am frustrated and I look at my situation and where I am and I freak out because again, I'm not getting any younger! I start thinking about how eventually I want to get married, have a family, etc. But these are my years to make my dreams come true. So that brings me to the point of this blog post... What do you do when you feel like time is running out, nothing is going your way and you're questioning your goals? Well, here is my answer:
I know a lot of you probably hear this all the time but bottom line is: God has a plan for you! Everything will happen on His time. I have to remind myself that I'm not running out of time. This is where I'm supposed to be at this point in time. I don't know why but I do know that God doesn't make mistakes. There's a reason for everything. Now that doesn't mean I sit around on my butt all day and wait for something to happen, it just means that I can't give up, I have to have faith that I'm going in the right direction. Not only all of that, but I have to continue to pray about it and listen to make sure I'm still moving in the direction I'm supposed to be moving in. I know its hard to constantly remind yourself of that, I struggle with it all the time but as soon as I take a minute, take a deep breath and reassess my situation I feel better and can move forward. Sometimes I say a prayer, sometimes I just sit silently and listen, sometimes I need to take a walk or a drive and just think but either way I always come back because I know I'm doing what I'm meant to do. I don't know exactly what my future holds but I'm not gonna let the devil steer me away from my path. I'm gonna push forward and have faith in myself, my family and my God!