Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Forget. The. Odds.

     The day I truly apply and believe the words I write today nothing will stand a fight. It is the day I will allow God the make me a channel of His peace without my own vanity and inhibitions denying Him.
       Confidence..... the key to making anything we dream possible, the pathway to success. It is to believe if I do my best it will be good enough and whatever comes of it will be for the best. See, the problem comes in right here. So we hear be confidant, but confident in what? Ourselves? Because I am not as good as the next guy. I'm not as big, or smart, or run as fast, or I don't have the means he has to succeed so how can I believe I will make it. I won't make it, if I believe my ability to accomplish my goals relies solely on my own talents and situation in life. We are confident in ourselves as children of God, made in His image with a mission He had for our lives before we even existed. Have pride in our name whatever baggage or pain it carries. I am a Gilbert and that is the best thing in the world for ME to be. Pride in our town, I am from Easton and I wouldn't want to have any other city claim me, I will represent for it. Pride in our entire identity, but a selfless pride from which springs joy and certainty.
           Confidence never feels failure because it knows it gave its all and after that it can rest easy. My confidence comes not from any talent I seem to have but from where I came from. Confidence knows no doubt because the very worst that could happen doesn't scare it. No matter what it knows, God will provide if it believes in Him and believes in itself. Therefore it cannot fail! I am me so I can achieve my dreams because they are my own and if I fall flat on my face I'll keep getting back up til I can't anymore. Confidence is relentless, the unsure don't "commit"  for fear of not accomplishing their task. They fear their worth comes from their ability to succeed but the confident already know their worth as isolated from from accomplishments and make it a responsibility to attain their vision.
         There is a rampant lack of confidence because we don't understand where our worth comes from. Our clothes, money, job, degree, looks, talents, social status are in NO way related to our worth. SMH. They are meaningless. We are made to feel this way, but the truth is we are all unique and when we die nothing we did on this earth will matter except the chain of lives we have touched while we were here. Everything else will pass away and anything we did for our own gratification will become worthless as our tombstone is etched. Confidence comes from realizing what matters in life.
       Confident is not cocky. Cocky believes he is better than another person; believes his worth comes from his abilities and his are more impressive than yours. Cocky is lazy for it thinks it doesn't need to get better. Cocky is easily hurt and disrespected because it places its worth only on itself.

  Confidence is tempered with great respect and humility. It understands, because of the nature of where its worth comes from, that each of us are equally made in God's perfect image. How can confidence therefore disrespect another human being as they are then denying their own worth? Humility comes to understand that truthfully we are nothing without He who created us. What we accomplish, our talents, everything we do can never make us better than another human being. More talented, more fun, smarter, more holy; our attributes don't increase the amount of love God has for us. He already loves each of us perfectly.
   Wake up and feel thankful that you are you.
   Believe your best is good enough.
   Move mountains.

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