Happy Monday!
I don't know how many of you out there watched the Super Bowl yesterday but I was a little disappointed by the outcome. Although I'm not a Seahawks fan in particular, I didn't want the Patriots to take that win. So yesterday as I was watching football coverage and they showed Tom Brady doing interviews and everything an extreme feeling of dislike welled up in me. I don't personally know Tom Brady, I only know of what I've heard on the sports channels and radio and what I've heard my brothers and my dad say about the guy, so why do I dislike him so much? Well, whether my reasons are valid or misplaced I can tell you that when it comes to football there is a lot of that negativity floating around. It's just funny to think about how so many people can feel that much hate towards a specific team because they are their favorite team's rivals or because they dislike some of the players or the coach or for any reason. The hate goes as far as not liking the colors that remind you of a specific team. People can get pretty crazy when it comes to football. Football is the most popular sport in America. You'll see people going to extreme lengths each time Sunday rolls around during the season. They have parties, make football watching food, drink lots of beer, it's the reason a lot of people have big screen TVs, etc. So for all the excitement and joy and fun surrounding the game there is just as much negativity and anger and disappointment. It's amazing how a GAME can invoke so much passion in a person that's not even playing it haha. I am exhibit A haha! I have never played the game but I love it! I don't really know the purpose of this blog post, it was kind of just some thoughts I had today and I wanted to let you inside my head a little bit. I hope you enjoyed this little tid bit of thoughts from the mind of Taryn Gilbert. Enjoy the rest of your day!
OH! And come audition for Seussical!!!!! Auditions for tonight were postponed to Thursday but we'll be there just in case you can only make it tonight! ;)
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