To embody the common thread of principles which inspire and drive my soul, and to give it a literal, spiritual, and metaphoric symbol, you must picture the flame. Picture fire dancing with pure zealous passion uninhibited and free. Though it is free, it is pure and direct with one purpose: to burn and set ablaze all who contact it. Its life is feeble when young and small, and it can be easily snuffed out like a half-formed dream. But, before long nothing can stop the terror of a full blown wildfire! Not even all of our technology and science can contain it well. Even this unstoppable raging inferno depends on oxygen and matter to carry on. {{No less than this wildfire blaze we hold an inner heat, a fire, that when tapped into can make anything possible.}} These are the people I emulate, those who have their souls on fire. We all feel the heat and some of us catch on.
From the time I was young I was drawn to this idea of fire as pure passion. My favorite show was Pokemon, and my favorite pokemon was Charizard, a fire-type dragon. Ash was the main character, and he wanted to be a Pokemon Master, meaning the Greatest Trainer who ever lived, but he did this while always loving his pokemon. He put them first and consistently made choices that hurt his chances of beating his upcoming challenge yet were right for his pokemon and friends. Ash had my muse, fire, and it burned white hot. I was enthralled by Ash's passion, and Charizard was a fantastic embodiment of that. That was driving me to collect all 150 pokemon cards and finally working, like Ash did, to earn the money to obtaithe.
Another glimpse into my muse of fire appeared to me when I watched Space Jam, and I saw a hero whose greatness stretched through fantasy and reality. I watched this movie until the video tape shredded, and I convinced my mom to get a new one. Michael Jordan became the persona of the athlete to me, the greatest athlete of all time. I wanted to be just like him. Again, he gave a view to me of this powerful desire. When I would research his highlights it was easy to see that there was something beyond physical gifts that set him apart. In the movie he gives the Looney Tunes his 'secret stuff' which is bottle full of water which gives them the ability to beat the Mon-Stars, only because they believe it does. They were at the point when the fire is just starting and needs to be supported. Later in the game as things turn bad and they ask for more of the 'secret stuff' Jordan tells them it was just water and what makes them special is in their hearts. It is their will and desire, their fire. When together they believe in themselves, a fire blast is released for at that point they found the special place that is within each of us. "Ebdebdeb that's all folks!"
At my youngest even, the core of what allowed me to see this fire was my faith. I was inspired by each of the saints and lives they lived. Each of them on fire with love, love for God and all of those around them. I heard stories of great heroes and humble shepherds, of regal kings and pious slaves, but no matter their station in life their situation had no power over them for their lives belonged to the Lord. From Him they drew their strength, He set them on fire. This fire was even literal, as early Christians were burned alive for their beliefs. There, my truest idea of this fire, passion, zeal, and power dressed in horrifying yet beautiful irony.
Of those who lived in my time, Saint John Paul II has inspired me the most. He burned like the sun, and the entire world is better for it. He set me on fire like a real living superhero. He was the pope for most of my life until his death in 2006. He showed me that even a poor boy from Poland staring a Nazi invasion in the face can shine bright, and that nothing can smother a righteous blaze once we allow ourselves to free it.
As I grow I protect my flame, willing it unleashed. I stay near the wildfires I have introduced to you. In my times of need when I could use some gasoline these heroes burn for me.
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