Wednesday, February 25, 2015
From the beginning we knew we wanted to make a huge dragon. Not just the head. Not just a head piece that the actor would wear. Not just a cut-out. The whole Dragon. The first step was to figure out a design. We went through a million different options but we knew it had to be huge, it had to move around the stage, and it had to look awesome! We were also toying with the idea of putting the actor inside. There were so many different variables that went into it that we didn't wind up agreeing on one design, so Jewel made it his project to figure out. He figured out what materials we needed (PVC pipe, chicken wire, a heat gun, zip-ties, eva foam, purple fabric, and lots and lots of hot glue) and we all started working. It wasn't our original plan to build Lola in our living room but because the venue for Shrek was a school there were too many rules to build her there.
So the boys started with shaping the PVC pipe. They had to heat it with the heat gun to get it hot enough to bend but not break, it was pretty delicate work. It was being shaped into the skeleton of Lola's body.
From there we had to shape the chicken wire around the PVC to fill her out. chicken wire is pretty difficult to work with because it scratches and since it is metal it hurts, badly. All of our hands and forearms were pretty cut up by the end.
We attached to wire to the PVC with the zip-ties and hot glue.
Meanwhile Teara and I were starting on the head. For the head we used a piece of eva foam. Teara shaved it and cut it and decorated it, it was hard but she did a great job. I had to shape the wire to put underneath the foam into the general shape of a dragon head, the hardest part of that was making the mouth able to open and shut.
When the general frame was done we put the fabric on. It had to be attached in such a way that covered the top and the underneath with spaces for people to stand inside.
When that was done it was time to move her to the venue. We had to take out our sliding back door to get her out of the house. The doors to the school were bigger, thank heavens...haha.
We actually got a welder to donate their time to make the wings for us! They turned out awesome! I covered them with fabric and a bit of spray paint and they were done.
We put all of the finishing touches on Lola to really make her look like the dragon in the movie and I think we did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself haha:)
Here are some pics of the process!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Today is the first Friday in Lent so I thought it would appropriate to post some verses to reflect on. As I was looking for verses I came across a website that had these ones that I ended up posting below. And as I read them I just felt they were perfect because they not only apply to lent, but they are also really in line with everything that's going on in the world, with the horrible persecution of Christians in Syria and Iraq. They desperately need our prayers and sacrifices this lent, as do the persecutors.
Romans 8:15-18: For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship. When we cry, "Abba! Father!" it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
1 Peter 4:13: But rejoice in so far as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.
1 Peter 5:8-9: Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throughout the world.
Luke 5:35: The days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days."
Mark 9:27-28: And when he was come into the house, his disciples secretly asked him: Why could not we cast him out? And he said to them: This kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
Matthew 6:16-18: And when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, sad. For they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. But thou, when thou fastest anoint thy head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not to men to fast, but to thy Father who is in secret: and thy Father who seeth in secret, will repay thee .
My apologies
I know I know I've missed a few blogs:'( I'm sooowwwyyy. But I'm making up for it because I did have them planned out. Stop looking at me like that, I did.
So last Friday I wanted to tell you all about something that I love... Laughing:D Just as in life, in the theatre there is a season for everything. And just like summer, comedy is my favorite "season." Now I love slapstick, I really love "comedy of errors" style, but perhaps my favorite is improvisational comedy, or at least partial improv. We have some great improv comedy groups around here that we love to go see, I feel so special to have that right at my fingertips because it's just that enjoyable. So if you live here and have yet to go check out Mandudebro in particular, you'd better get on that.
There is this fabulous show that has come to Bethlehem a few times in the past several years that is a perfect display of this partial improv that I speak of. It's called Tony and Tina's Wedding and you may have heard of it, it's quite popular. It is hilarious and highly entertaining, and we have taken part in it in the past, but not this year when it came. Which brings me to... Tonight! Well, OK last Friday night. We went to go see it and were so excited to see many great actors and great friends and experience the whole thing from a patron's point of view. Of course I missed being in the cast, especially working with "Tony" and "Tina," and also working with easily the best director I've ever had the pleasure of working with. But nevertheless it was an extremely fun night and if it comes back next year or the year after or the year after that, go! I promise you it's not just any old show, it will be a whole experience you'll remember for a long time:)
In the meantime, until an awesome comedy show arrives in your area, you can just YouTube old episodes of Whose Line is it Anyway. That should hold you over.
Bye bye
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Lent, A time of Sacrifice and Thanksgiving
And thus we have entered into the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday was yesterday, we all got our ashes at Mass and it was the start of the most solemn time of the year. These next 40 days or so are the days we must reflect on the sacrifice he made for each and every one of us on Good Friday so many years ago. This is time of sacrifice, service, meditation and thanksgiving. A time when we must prepare our souls for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There are many traditions or disciplines that come along with the Lenten season especially in the Catholic faith. One tradition that is universal among most Christians is abstinence from meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday during Lent. Have you ever wondered why we abstain from meat on Fridays? Well, I know there are different explanations as to why the tradition actually started but I always learned that we give meat up on Fridays as a form of sacrifice and remembrance that Christ offered His flesh for us on the cross. It is a form of prayer and discipline in which we can focus on Christ and our souls and offer Him our 'flesh' as a sacrifice instead of focusing on ourselves and our own bodies.
Another tradition is to fast during Lent. There are different ways of fasting. We are all called to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday but some people choose to fast the entire Lenten season. Fasting usually means eating one full meal and one or two smaller meals that don't add up to a second full meal each day and no meat on Fridays. There are a lot of people in the religious life who fast during all of Lent and that's just the least of what many of them do for Lent.
Sacrifice is huge part of Lent and a huge part of what allows us to focus on Christ and be more one with Him. That is why along with abstaining on Fridays and Fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday we, as Catholics give up something else for the whole 40+ days. Whether it be chocolate, junk food, coffee or some type of action such as going to church every day, saying the rosary every day at noon, meditating for a couple hours a day on the crucifixion, giving up swearing, etc. The idea is to choose something that is a challenge, something that will be hard for you to do every day for Lent. And every time you face that challenge and overcome it you offer it up to Jesus Christ and become closer and closer to him.
Among these traditions there are the Stations of the Cross that are usually said once a week during Lent and there are many meditations and prayers and services that you can do to enrich your Lenten experience. Lent is different for everyone, embrace it and use this time to really strengthen your relationship with God. Jesus died for us, let us show Him how much we love Him and thank Him for the sacrifice He made by making our small daily sacrifices for these 40 short days.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
40 Days For Life
Now today is not only Ash Wednesday, the first day of lent, but it is also the kick off of the first 40 Days for Life campaign of 2015. 40 Days for Life is the largest internationally coordinated pro-life mobilization in history, helping people in local communities end the injustice of abortion through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach. 40 Days first started in 2007 and has since grown quite considerably... there are 650,000 volunteers; 559 cities; 27 nations; 3,336 local campaigns that take part in 40 Days for Life worldwide.
We have been participating in 40Days for a long time, I don't know if we started all the way back in 2007 but probably pretty close to it. We try our best to pray outside of one of the abortion clinics in our area as often as possible within the 40 days. It is going to be extra hard this year because the weather is unbearable but we just have to bundle up tight, offer our numb fingers and toes up to God, and remember what we are doing it for. It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are helping to save the lives of people that can't fight for themselves; babies who many people don't think even exist. 3,699 unborn children have been saved in some way by this Campaign, and those are only the ones that are proven. I believe that there are probably many other women who have been on their way to get an abortion and drove past the clinic or gave their decision a second thought because someone was outside praying and nobody would've known. And not only are babies being rescued but clinic workers and doctors are starting to see the horrible wrongs that they have been taking part in. I think 40 Days for Life is an amazing campaign and it is really easy to find campaigns close to you and there are many different ways to help, I hope you go check it out:)
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Function Of Art?
This was another college paper for Music History II. It was really difficult for me and although there isn't a real resolution it is very interesting in the questions it raises.
Before I start can I ask us all to join in a moment of prayer for mankind. 45 human beings, likely Christian were burned alive by ISIS 5 miles away from where 250 American troops are stationed. The troopes are now surrounded and our gov. has not provided air support. The flip side of this coin of evil is our culture has permitted the disgusting filth of '50 Shades of Grey' to enter our movie theatres and lead the box office. This is a perverted movie which misrepresents love, the problem with the world-rejection of Love(I could go on but I will not in this blog post). When we permit evil it is our shoulders the blame sits on. The world is is up to you to put out the fire. !!!!
Timeliness and Lateness