Friday, January 2, 2015

new years resolutions... yes or no?

So... let's just pretend I never even left;)

Tonight, in light of this wonderful new year, I want to bring up something some people love to discuss and make, and others hate to even hear the word when they accidentally think it inside their own heads: resolutions. Now I've never been one to make a New Year's resolution, (save for the annual "I WILL do a back handspring with no fear" one... which I WILL do this year for sure), but I have a little proposal for you. The idea of a new resolution for a new year and a new you is not a bad one altogether, but it does have its quirks. You see from where I'm standing a year is a loooonnnggggg time. In other words a whole year to reach a goal makes for a whole lot of time to think about said goal, which could lead to much wasted time, very much procrastination, over excessive worrying once time starts running out, mild anxiety attacks once you realize you cannot get that time back, disgust for those who look happy cuz you bet they reached their NYR goals and that's why they're happy, disgust in yourself for allowing yourself to be angry with others' success, anger when you wake up somewhere around November and grasp the fact that you let everything else slip because of this one stupid goal that's not even all that important anyway and that you haven't even been working all that hard to meet, and ultimately disappointment when the next year rolls around and you feel so terrible about yourself you decide not to make a resolution at all ever again and become one of those bitter angry nay-saying party poopers who no one really wants around but is always around anyway. I guess deep down it's always the fear of failing that stops us from trying in the first place. The problem is that much closer to the surface are many many many excuses which are our own defense mechanisms to block us from knowing ourselves. But the danger in never learning is so much greater.

So here's my proposal: this year let's make our yearly resolution to make a daily resolution. And let's make that daily resolution to be a better human being than we were yesterday. It sounds simple and hippie, fru fru, mumbo jumbo, whatever adjective you want to fill in there is fine with me, but think about it. Here in the year 2015 it is harder than ever to be a human being. Between the technology and desensitization we are slowly but surely becoming more like animals, or better yet robots. It's an exciting year for SFA for so many reasons that I cannot wait to share with all of you as the days and months go by. And I'm sure all of you have thrilling new adventures on the horizon as well. We will grow and learn and teach and prosper and stumble and fight and smile and yell and with this amount of determination there's no doubt we will come out as more successful people, but if we can't look at our reflection and truly believe that we came out as better people, than what was the point of it all?

So every morning of 2015 I will look this bright beautiful year in the face and resolve...

To always look at the glass half full... not most of the time, always
To prioritize
To never let the ideas of political correctness corrupt my mind and heart
To learn something new
To be a better friend
To be more reliable
To love more, harder, better
To not place so much importance on materials, looks, social status, superficiality, etc.
To try to make new friends every single day
To not take anything anyone has to say for granted
To see past what is "right" to what matters
To not let the mention of Taylor Swift ruin my afternoon
To give less credence to social media
To not let anyone determine what I do or do not think
To not gossip
To refuse to become desensitized in every sense: happiness, sadness, fear, lust, anger, etc.
To appreciate everything... everything
To not let anyone control my emotions
To put my phone down... (if I ever find it)
To be more understanding
To blog every Friday
To never let society define my standards
To get more instagram followers... Jk, not really
To not worry
To make more time for people
To not let the world get me down
To give more freely
To sing more
To laugh so much more
To live out loud

Make your own list if you'd like, I know I'll be adding to mine every day, but I think all around this is a pretty decent start. So everyone...


It's gonna be a great one.

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