Friday, January 30, 2015

Just some thursday thoughts

    Hey all you people, how are you on this fine Thursday night? Well that good I'm glad to hear it. Today we had our meeting with the people who are going to donate our big top tent for Seussical. Its going to be the coolest thing ever to be able to put every audience member literally in the show. They will feel every bit in the show as we the actors are. The other thing that was so amazing about this meeting is that. There are still so many great people that are willing to donate to a good cause. Though more scarce then I would like to see but every light in the world gets rid of a little bit of dark. A lot of times we get stuck on just looking at everything that's wrong with one another. But we often forget to focus on the good that people do. And all that does is give us a lot of time to be mad at each other. When we should just learn from mistakes but never dwell on them.
      That reminds me I just started intermurales  for lacrosse. Even though I make a lot of mistakes every day he sticks with it and I get better and better every day. He is not looking for perfection but you know what  he is looking for. A perfect effort and as long as I give That to him he will never get too mad. So with this attitude we as a team grow every day and reach new height. So in closing remember a fire is started by a little spark so you be that spark and set the world ablaze. The more sparks the faster the fire grows and the warmer we all are.

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