Showtime- or should I say the 6 weeks leading up to showtime- always bring(s) along TONS of errands with it. Today for example, between Mom, Taryn, and Dad, they hit up fabric stores, dry cleaning, (and I honestly do not even know the long list,) not to mention the ride to Wyalusing. If anyone read the blog from a little while ago about Wyalusing High School, you remember it's the school we went to to see Tarzan. It was a long trip, but we were eager to see the show on stage before we got into rehearsals just to get a feel for the life and motion of it, and this was the only theater doing it. Well it turned out to be such a stroke of luck because not only was it a great show, but the people who worked on it were more than happy to help us out with ours. They let us borrow set pieces and offered advice, point being that we made the trip there today to pick up some things.
SO... while they were out gallivanting and what not, the four of us spent the day together. We took the morning to walk to the park and film some youtube videos for our cast. Then after just a tad of gallivanting of our own -there is nothing like strutting down the street with the wireless speaker blasting as you sing along and watching everyone's expressions as they drive past... try it sometime. If you're nervous to try on your own just come join us, we always have room for more:P.- we came home and started creating gorillas! We started hands on working on the costumes about a week or two ago, but we had not yet worked on the gorillas... until now. And I'll tell you I'm pretty excited for these. We finally finished the concept art and now our work is really cut out for us.
Now to the point. While we work on costumes we usually either put on movies or music, and today felt like a movie day. So after we got through Lord of the Rings and a couple other movies we decided to put on our past productions. We knew it might be just a bit distracting but boy was it worth it anyway. I am now more invigorated and ready for Tarzan than ever, and I hope this feeling even continues to grow every day that we get a day closer to opening.
Each of our shows brings back a flood of memories, all different, all special, and all times that I would relive in a heartbeat. But the one that really spoke to me tonight was The Wiz. That one had so much of one thing that just filled me up every rehearsal and every performance, and still does to this day every time I hear a song or see a clip from that show.
And that one thing was heart.
It had soul. The number of things that contributed to this is too high to count this late, but a couple of them were:
1) the cast, of course. Seeing those people and knowing that their hearts are as big as their talents; knowing that there are people who believe in your dream just as much as you do, so much in fact that they come back to do it all again with you time after time, is really something special.
2) the show itself. This music is so emotional, it is such a journey. And the performers we had
brought such life to it, it was really extraordinary.
3) the message. The Wiz has a very simple, very universal message which is described in one word: Home. Tarzan also has a very simple, very universal message: Family. Essentially these are one in the same. Different presentation, different journey, same destination.
In fact the theme song of this show, (also one of my favorite songs of all time,) is "You'll Be in My Heart." So what does this tell me? That this show has the potential to be just as powerful, just as full of soul, as The Wiz. And with the way everything has been going, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be.
Special shout out and thanks to those of you who were a part of The Wiz and are now in Tarzan. We are so blessed to have you in our shows and in our lives. You are absolutely extraordinary performers and even more extraordinary people, and we love you.
Good night everyone:)
"...and I've learned that we have to look inside our hearts to find a world full of love. Like yours. Like mine. Like home."
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