Hey everybody it's time for another day in the life of Jorne Gilbert. For Tarzan we decided to do a boot camp that I'm sure you have heard about but if not, in short its two weeks of really intense dancing and acting to see how good we can make our cast perform. Every day we start with a little workout to help train the cast to make them better dancers and to build there stamina for the show. A huge part of this show is going to be stamina because as a gorilla you are constantly bent, so using your leg muscles. Then the dances alone are gonna be physically exhausting and difficult to get through. You and me both know that one of the worst things for a show is when the actors get tired and stop dancing full out. This is our reason for holding boot camp before real rehearsals start, its not mandatory but the more you come and impress us the more you will have to do in the show. Im very happy to say that our boot camp has been a huge success, each person has grown so much in just two weeks, we are going to have one of our best shows ever without a doubt. Our cast is very talented and really wants to learn more and are trying really hard each day to get better, and it shows. It has been a lot of fun and hard work every day but all good things must come to an end right? Today and tomorrow are our last two days of boot camp, we are planning some really fun stuff for the cast for all their hard work but they're not done yet. You know what they say, when one door closes another one opens and that door is rehearsal. We are finally at rehearsals and me personally, I can't wait. With just seven and a half weeks till we open we get down to crunch time and its gonna be great!
Another thing I still got going on is lacrosse. After a sad defeat in the league title game we have come back to play in districts. Today is the quarterfinals and it's win or go home. Just three more wins and we can be district champions but the hard part is, to do that we, without a doubt have to play Emmaus and Parkland again. But we need to focus on today before we get to all that. We play home against Saucon Vally. They are a pretty good team so we need to just play our game and win. So please wish me luck for the game today and hope we win.
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