Showtime- or should I say the 6 weeks leading up to showtime- always bring(s) along TONS of errands with it. Today for example, between Mom, Taryn, and Dad, they hit up fabric stores, dry cleaning, (and I honestly do not even know the long list,) not to mention the ride to Wyalusing. If anyone read the blog from a little while ago about Wyalusing High School, you remember it's the school we went to to see Tarzan. It was a long trip, but we were eager to see the show on stage before we got into rehearsals just to get a feel for the life and motion of it, and this was the only theater doing it. Well it turned out to be such a stroke of luck because not only was it a great show, but the people who worked on it were more than happy to help us out with ours. They let us borrow set pieces and offered advice, point being that we made the trip there today to pick up some things.
SO... while they were out gallivanting and what not, the four of us spent the day together. We took the morning to walk to the park and film some youtube videos for our cast. Then after just a tad of gallivanting of our own -there is nothing like strutting down the street with the wireless speaker blasting as you sing along and watching everyone's expressions as they drive past... try it sometime. If you're nervous to try on your own just come join us, we always have room for more:P.- we came home and started creating gorillas! We started hands on working on the costumes about a week or two ago, but we had not yet worked on the gorillas... until now. And I'll tell you I'm pretty excited for these. We finally finished the concept art and now our work is really cut out for us.
Now to the point. While we work on costumes we usually either put on movies or music, and today felt like a movie day. So after we got through Lord of the Rings and a couple other movies we decided to put on our past productions. We knew it might be just a bit distracting but boy was it worth it anyway. I am now more invigorated and ready for Tarzan than ever, and I hope this feeling even continues to grow every day that we get a day closer to opening.
Each of our shows brings back a flood of memories, all different, all special, and all times that I would relive in a heartbeat. But the one that really spoke to me tonight was The Wiz. That one had so much of one thing that just filled me up every rehearsal and every performance, and still does to this day every time I hear a song or see a clip from that show.
And that one thing was heart.
It had soul. The number of things that contributed to this is too high to count this late, but a couple of them were:
1) the cast, of course. Seeing those people and knowing that their hearts are as big as their talents; knowing that there are people who believe in your dream just as much as you do, so much in fact that they come back to do it all again with you time after time, is really something special.
2) the show itself. This music is so emotional, it is such a journey. And the performers we had
brought such life to it, it was really extraordinary.
3) the message. The Wiz has a very simple, very universal message which is described in one word: Home. Tarzan also has a very simple, very universal message: Family. Essentially these are one in the same. Different presentation, different journey, same destination.
In fact the theme song of this show, (also one of my favorite songs of all time,) is "You'll Be in My Heart." So what does this tell me? That this show has the potential to be just as powerful, just as full of soul, as The Wiz. And with the way everything has been going, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be.
Special shout out and thanks to those of you who were a part of The Wiz and are now in Tarzan. We are so blessed to have you in our shows and in our lives. You are absolutely extraordinary performers and even more extraordinary people, and we love you.
Good night everyone:)
"...and I've learned that we have to look inside our hearts to find a world full of love. Like yours. Like mine. Like home."
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Need A Lift?
Hi!!!!! We have been working hard on all of the choreography for Tarzan and so far the dances are pretty cool, if I do say so myself haha!
I really like choreographing all kinds of dance, it usually just depends on what mood I am in that day:) Today we were working on partner dances...specifically, lifts! I LOVE doing lifts! and it's pretty awesome that we have our brothers to practice with. We can just throw ourselves at them and say "catch!" haha. I mean, they don't always obey.... :/ But no, they are actually really trustworthy.
Lifts are one of those things that are way more about the technique and the know how of the move itself than the actual difficulty level of the step. Not everybody can do lifts. It doesn't always matter how strong the guy or how small the girl, lifts have alot to do with the balancing of weight, the placement of hands, making small adjustments depending on who your partner is, etc. For example, if she can't hold herself stiff then she will probably fall. I am not the best at lifts.... if I could I would just spends hours a day practicing them until I could do any one I wanted!
Here are a couple videos we looked up today of some awesome lifts....if you come see "Tarzan" (which you def should) you will be sure to recognize a few:)
I really like choreographing all kinds of dance, it usually just depends on what mood I am in that day:) Today we were working on partner dances...specifically, lifts! I LOVE doing lifts! and it's pretty awesome that we have our brothers to practice with. We can just throw ourselves at them and say "catch!" haha. I mean, they don't always obey.... :/ But no, they are actually really trustworthy.
Lifts are one of those things that are way more about the technique and the know how of the move itself than the actual difficulty level of the step. Not everybody can do lifts. It doesn't always matter how strong the guy or how small the girl, lifts have alot to do with the balancing of weight, the placement of hands, making small adjustments depending on who your partner is, etc. For example, if she can't hold herself stiff then she will probably fall. I am not the best at lifts.... if I could I would just spends hours a day practicing them until I could do any one I wanted!
Here are a couple videos we looked up today of some awesome lifts....if you come see "Tarzan" (which you def should) you will be sure to recognize a few:)
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Feel that BUZZ
Today I will be at my first rehearsal from beginning to end an I can't wait to see the progression of the cast in our pre- rehearsal workout. There is a great sense of energy within our cast and we are definitely feeding off that. Every time I log into facebook or Instagram I see a post about Tarzan and we are still 6 week out! This seriously boosts morale and and overall experience of each person. Thank you all! Anyone who can't make it to see Tarzan is missing out because this is something special.
My only concern is to make sure we don't peak or burnout before tech week(the hardest, but to me the most fun, part of any show). This in mind, we keep rehearsal fresh and intense. Other than that I try to keep individuals positive and motivated but I'm open to ideas! I trust everyone(or at least most of them) understand and believe in the SFAP mission, they will give their all but each of us need help maintaining excitement over 10 weeks of grueling rehearsal. Further to continue pushing the show to people requires stamina.
On the ticket selling side of it, when the gift cards are earned that will definitely bolster competition which creates comradery and success. The cast individually set ticket goals which are on posters. When some members put 15, 35, or even 50 on that board you can imagine how inspiring that was to me and the rest of the cast. In addition to that each week on Thursday the cast member who sells the most tickets will get a 10$ gift card! That will be fun to announce.
The atmosphere of Tarzan is my favorite yet, we just need to maintain it. >:[
Facebook: Sing for America/ the gilberts
instagram: singforamerica followwww
My only concern is to make sure we don't peak or burnout before tech week(the hardest, but to me the most fun, part of any show). This in mind, we keep rehearsal fresh and intense. Other than that I try to keep individuals positive and motivated but I'm open to ideas! I trust everyone(or at least most of them) understand and believe in the SFAP mission, they will give their all but each of us need help maintaining excitement over 10 weeks of grueling rehearsal. Further to continue pushing the show to people requires stamina.
On the ticket selling side of it, when the gift cards are earned that will definitely bolster competition which creates comradery and success. The cast individually set ticket goals which are on posters. When some members put 15, 35, or even 50 on that board you can imagine how inspiring that was to me and the rest of the cast. In addition to that each week on Thursday the cast member who sells the most tickets will get a 10$ gift card! That will be fun to announce.
The atmosphere of Tarzan is my favorite yet, we just need to maintain it. >:[
Facebook: Sing for America/ the gilberts
instagram: singforamerica followwww
Monday, May 26, 2014
I would like to first tell all of you.. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! I know that this weekend is always a weekend of parties and cookouts and time with family and friends. It's a long weekends, businesses are closed and people get a short vacation from the usual work week. But despite all of this, it is so imperative we remember why today is so important, why we mark this day on our calendars.
Memorial Day was first celebrated after the Civil War to honor those who gave their lives for this country. It was originally called "Decoration Day." People would visit the graves where soldiers were buried including loved ones that fought and died and decorate them with flowers. There wasn't much time before it was nationally recognized as a day of remembrance.
So many men and women have given their lives for our freedom since the inception of our great nation. We as Americans have to keep in mind that this weekend is not only a celebration of our freedom but a day of prayer, solemnity and remembrance. It is our job to make sure those soldiers aren't forgotten amongst the games and food. It is so easy to get caught up in the events and not even stop to say a prayer, take a moment of silence for the fallen. They deserve at least that from every single American who is here reaping the benefits of their sacrifice. We should each take time to say thank you! And if you should happen to cross paths with a vet or current soldier tell them how much you appreciate them not just on the patriotic holidays but at any point in time that should happen.
These are the days when we as Sing of America remember why we do what we do, the days that rekindle our fire. We hope to remind everyone we meet through our performances that if not for every one of our brave men and women we would not be where we are today. Our country would not be the beautiful place we live in where we enjoy freedoms that few around the world have the privilege to enjoy. Each one of us so blessed to be here in the land of free!
I pray that every American will look at everything they have and not take anything for granted. I pray that they look at those around the world and realize how great we have it here and vow to defend our freedoms no matter what the cost. I pray that everyone know their rights and know that there is no one that can take them away. We must never let the deaths of those fearless men and women be in vain.
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
Memorial Day was first celebrated after the Civil War to honor those who gave their lives for this country. It was originally called "Decoration Day." People would visit the graves where soldiers were buried including loved ones that fought and died and decorate them with flowers. There wasn't much time before it was nationally recognized as a day of remembrance.
So many men and women have given their lives for our freedom since the inception of our great nation. We as Americans have to keep in mind that this weekend is not only a celebration of our freedom but a day of prayer, solemnity and remembrance. It is our job to make sure those soldiers aren't forgotten amongst the games and food. It is so easy to get caught up in the events and not even stop to say a prayer, take a moment of silence for the fallen. They deserve at least that from every single American who is here reaping the benefits of their sacrifice. We should each take time to say thank you! And if you should happen to cross paths with a vet or current soldier tell them how much you appreciate them not just on the patriotic holidays but at any point in time that should happen.
These are the days when we as Sing of America remember why we do what we do, the days that rekindle our fire. We hope to remind everyone we meet through our performances that if not for every one of our brave men and women we would not be where we are today. Our country would not be the beautiful place we live in where we enjoy freedoms that few around the world have the privilege to enjoy. Each one of us so blessed to be here in the land of free!
I pray that every American will look at everything they have and not take anything for granted. I pray that they look at those around the world and realize how great we have it here and vow to defend our freedoms no matter what the cost. I pray that everyone know their rights and know that there is no one that can take them away. We must never let the deaths of those fearless men and women be in vain.
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Tarzan the biggest set of all

job of creating and building the set for Tarzan. There is so much that goes into it so I'm gonna start at the top of the list. The design: We wanted to really immerse the audience into the jungle with this set and once we put our minds to it there was no turning back. I'm was gonna try and explain the feeling we wanna get but instead I'm gonna show you this picture. Imagine that you split the stream in half and put the sides on each side of the stage. yeah if your thinking about it the right way this will be the coolest set ever. Its then gonna rap around the front of the stage about 8 feet high. We are then gonna have a waterfall in the back right corner and the tree house that Tarzan's parents built in the audience a little on the stage right side. So that is our design. We drew it out to scale so we could really see what it would look like and I'm so happy with the outcome. Next we need the wood for the whole thing. What we do is make a list of everything we would need from screws to latches to paint to anything you can imagine. Usually that would cost upwards of 20,000 dollars! We do not have this much money since we are a charity, so we go to Lowe's or Home Depot and they donate most of these products. This really means a lot to all to of us - that people in our community are so kind to our troops.
Since we have limited time in our actual venue, we are forced to to start the set at home. We are planning on cutting all of our wood we need so that when we get there we can just put it together and be done. That makes it sound easy, but it's really not - this is gonna be the hardest part all all. The building of the set is mainly just me and Jewel, and we get help here and there but the bulk of it falls on us. I'm really fine with that because then I can stand back and look at the set and say yeah I just built this whole set from scratch!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Power to Believe

Hello! you are all now officially part of sing for America’s Tarzan. welcome to all of you, especially new members of the Sing for America family. And I don’t use that word lightly. I mean it. As this process goes on you will all fully understand.
Look around you, these are the people who over the next ten weeks will sweat, cry, and bleed for you and you for them. Let me tell you why…
Our family ,the Gilberts, has a deep performance background from print, commercials, television shows and movies, to street performing with Broadway Rhythms dance company and dream come true. Taryn loved dancing from when she was two, and from then on the rest of us were roped in. With Broadway Rhythms the girls began to sing, and there we had the trifecta: singing, dancing and acting… which equals theatre! Remember that as I go on. After we moved on from truly my sisters’ greatest influence, they wanted to perform on their own wherever someone would book us. This was 2004, and by 2005 Kids for America was born. At that time, 9/11 still fresh in everyone's minds, we had alot of soldiers overseas and many of them were from right here in the Valley. That’s how we decided we would donate the money we made to the families of active serving military. The first year, as we were somewhat known around the Valley, we had about 30 shows and were able to give our inaugural donation of $1,250 to the Blue Star Mothers, who located the families who needed it. This money goes to heating bills in a cold winter, rent, food, gas, Christmas presents (my favorite) etc.
Eventually shows rose to about 80 a year. By 2008 our donations went up and soldiers came home and their families needed even more help. By 2011 we had donated $24,000 dollars.
Now, during those 6 years things really changed in our performance lives. The girls hit the “dead” years for commercial and print, and knew that when they came out of those slow teenage years, the full brunt of the morally debased industry would be staring at them. This business takes a toll on you. On the flip side, Jorne and I were getting sick of it. As there wasn’t much work anymore and gas prices were getting higher and higher, we stopped going into NYC. We were doing more and more concerts and Jorne and I were dedicating more time to sports while the girls’ interest in theatre grew and grew.
Fast forward to spring 2011. We felt stalemated once again. After 7 years of building Sing for America, it hadn't grown very much in the last two years. The girls wanted to do more, to take the next step. As it had before, the perfect storm approached. The girls had heard so often that they didn't "look the part" for this role or that role in local theatre. They worked in every theater in the Valley and beyond for many years, performing in over 40 productions and had only had the opportunity to play one leading role a piece, each of which were originally cast as an African American woman. They said… enough! Jorne, Daddy and I came home after a spring football practice and Mommy and my three sisters were sitting around the table. They told us we are putting on a musical, “Cinderella.” I was like what? What are you talking about? Boy did I find out! At this time I was going into my sophomore year and only cared about football… but that changed.
During Cinderella I watched as 60 people came together and produced something magical. It would of cost close to 40,000 dollars to put on that show, but with our set donated by Central Catholic, all wood donated by Home Depot, fabric for costumes donated by Nick Of Time Fabrics, venue discounted, lights and sound donated by DJ Seibert, programs, tickets, billboards, posters, t-shirts, tools, paint donated by people and businesses of the Valley. But all of that was nothing compared to what truly made me recognize something special: a cast that supported one another. From the dancer we had who went on to dance behind Madonna and the West Chester and Desales theatre majors, to our 15 first time theater people; they all came together as one and supported that show. Sometimes they would be in there until 12am just helping with whatever needed to be done. Not because we asked but because they wanted to. They came early, sold tickets, worked on everything they could because they believed in something. For many of these actors this was the first time they had any experience of being part of something and having people count on you and you being able to count on them. The feeling of unity changes how you look at things and your ability to work hard for something.
See, I had a very negative opinion of theatre growing up. I saw alot of selfishness, wasted time, immorality, unhealthy environments, and unwelcoming people who couldn’t leave old ways of thinking. But this was none of that.
Last summer’s show was “Shrek the Musical,” and it would have cost 60,000 dollars to produce. But our cast and the community put that show on so we could raise money for those who kept and keep us free. Now we are doing “Tarzan” and cost is comparable. Our family, especially my dad, Jorne and I, have a rich background in athletics. We have played almost every sport you can think of besides ice hockey. I was always part of a team and know the benefits of that. A team is a microcosm of life. It is a bunch of people who may be nothing like you who you must work with in order to accomplish one goal. We learn how to overcome any odds, learn compassion , deal with adversity, determination, ingenuity, selflessness, self-worth, appreciation, discipline, pride and respect. I found out theatre can teach these things too IF we become not a group of misfits, or even a cast, but a team. Teammates don’t want to let one another down. They go their hardest every single day because if they fall behind it hurts the team. Teammates don’t do only what’s required, they do everything they can. It’s not an obligation but an opportunity.
“Tarzan” will be a team. We need every one of you to commit. We will need you! To parents: Your kids are in a great place when they are here. Know our #1 priority is the growth of each of them as human beings, but we will need you too. Whether it is working out rides, asking if your child practiced their routines, signing up to help backstage or in the lobby during show time, etc. There are only 7 of us, we can’t do this alone, and I know we won’t have to. We have had such great parent support in the past and I know we will have it again. We will never ask you for money for your kid to participate but we do ask for you to exploit your resources when your kid asks for support. Can you sew? Can you sell tickets at work? Can you hang a poster up? Do you or family members build or play instruments? Do you know musicians? Do you know simply great places to buy fabric? Whatever you can offer…
The goal is to donate $5,000 to the Blue Star Mothers on closing day. That means we need to sell 2,400 tickets in advance for the show. Our average is 1,500 so we will work on our end for another 400 tickets sold and on your end we will ask for you all to work to sell another 500. Not because we asked you to or you feel obliged, but because you want to, because you believe in what we are doing here: coming together as one to give back to our community, to the soldiers who make this possible, to grow as people working in a selfless way to accomplish something incredible.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Today was our official first rehearsal for Tarzan and I wanted to let everyone know that tickets are on sale NOW! Get them while you can!
But since Jewel had this great blog post planned tomorrow about rehearsal and the show and everything I'm going to post some pictures I took of our beautiful tulips to put you all in a Springy mood despite the chilly weather :)
Oh and don't forget to vote tomorrow! I'm working the polls!
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Yesterday closed out our final day of Tarzan "boot camp." We tried something a little new, a little different this time for show preparation. After the initial auditions we cast the leads, but in order to get the optimal performance and growth out of every single member of the cast we felt we needed to observe a little more before they were placed in their permanent roles. So the two weeks leading up to the official start of rehearsals we held a three hour intensive every night. Planning it proved a bit of a challenge, as we knew what we wanted to see as the end result, but had to figure out the best route to get there. We knew we wanted to start each day with a 30-40 minute workout, and spent enough time looking up what approach would be the most beneficial to strengthening the skills involved in dancing heavily while singing in the format of a musical. Jewel finally came up with the idea of doing Skillz, which is a brand of football drills. So we set up a plan where we had six stations including ladder, hurdles, and then different workout combinations. Each day we divided into groups of six and rotated around to all the stations. It was great because it focused on footwork, quickness, stamina, and athleticism: all things that directly translate to dancing. Then we danced! We spent a little time stretching, then did across the floor, combinations, and different variations of games and battles. It ended up being a huge success, it was so gratifying to watch people build their strength, dancing skills, teamwork skills, and assess work ethic, effort, etc.
So finally it came to Friday, when we announced the official roles. When figuring this all out at home we had a great time. Especially for this show, we were excited about this process; excited to be able to take all these pieces of a puzzle and fit them together to make the most beautiful picture possible.
Now the downside: it's disappointing to see that sometimes the actors don't see the whole picture the way we see it when we are getting started. Too often people give far too much credence to the number of lines or exact minutes of stage time someone has as opposed to themselves. What needs to be understood is that because someone was given a certain role, or a solo, or an "extra" part doesn't always mean that that someone is "better" than you. Theatre is not quite so cut and dry. Sometimes that someone is just better for that particular part, at that particular time, also taking into consideration the people who will be surrounding you in rehearsals and on stage, also taking into consideration attitude, reliability, chemistry, and strengths, meaning though you may have been able to fill their role, maybe they could not have filled yours.
The old saying "there are no small parts, only small actors," has lived on for so long because of the truth it holds. It may sound cliche but if you brush that off, considering it just a copout, you have cut yourself off at the knees. There is so much to learn and if you approach a project thinking you are better than what you've been given, or thinking you aren't as good as those who maybe got to do what you wanted, the experience can never be all that it should. It is important to realize that your place to shine may not be where you thought it would, but that does not mean you can't shine. Just because you do not have a name does not mean you won't be a standout. Just because you don't have a solo doesn't mean you won't be the one the audience remembers and talks about thereafter.
I truly hope everyone is as thrilled to play as we are to see them play the roles they have been given. Each cast member is perfect for his/her role and we all believe we have the best cast possible for this show, at this point in time. Rehearsals will be tough, but so rewarding. All of you have already made Jewel and my first experience directing absolutely remarkable.
See you Monday... or next Friday for those of you reading this who are not Tarzan cast members:P
So finally it came to Friday, when we announced the official roles. When figuring this all out at home we had a great time. Especially for this show, we were excited about this process; excited to be able to take all these pieces of a puzzle and fit them together to make the most beautiful picture possible.
Now the downside: it's disappointing to see that sometimes the actors don't see the whole picture the way we see it when we are getting started. Too often people give far too much credence to the number of lines or exact minutes of stage time someone has as opposed to themselves. What needs to be understood is that because someone was given a certain role, or a solo, or an "extra" part doesn't always mean that that someone is "better" than you. Theatre is not quite so cut and dry. Sometimes that someone is just better for that particular part, at that particular time, also taking into consideration the people who will be surrounding you in rehearsals and on stage, also taking into consideration attitude, reliability, chemistry, and strengths, meaning though you may have been able to fill their role, maybe they could not have filled yours.
The old saying "there are no small parts, only small actors," has lived on for so long because of the truth it holds. It may sound cliche but if you brush that off, considering it just a copout, you have cut yourself off at the knees. There is so much to learn and if you approach a project thinking you are better than what you've been given, or thinking you aren't as good as those who maybe got to do what you wanted, the experience can never be all that it should. It is important to realize that your place to shine may not be where you thought it would, but that does not mean you can't shine. Just because you do not have a name does not mean you won't be a standout. Just because you don't have a solo doesn't mean you won't be the one the audience remembers and talks about thereafter.
I truly hope everyone is as thrilled to play as we are to see them play the roles they have been given. Each cast member is perfect for his/her role and we all believe we have the best cast possible for this show, at this point in time. Rehearsals will be tough, but so rewarding. All of you have already made Jewel and my first experience directing absolutely remarkable.
See you Monday... or next Friday for those of you reading this who are not Tarzan cast members:P
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Boot Camp and Lacrosse

Another thing I still got going on is lacrosse. After a sad defeat in the league title game we have come back to play in districts. Today is the quarterfinals and it's win or go home. Just three more wins and we can be district champions but the hard part is, to do that we, without a doubt have to play Emmaus and Parkland again. But we need to focus on today before we get to all that. We play home against Saucon Vally. They are a pretty good team so we need to just play our game and win. So please wish me luck for the game today and hope we win.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Well hello everybody I was writing my blog last night but I fell asleep and it got erased and I'm gonna share why I was so tired its actually a really good story I promise. So we had our league semi finals in lacrosse yesterday and we played Emmaus high school. We played them earlier in the season and lost 10 to 6 it was a really tough loss which sent us on a 3 game losing streak. We owed this team for beating us last time so we had to win. So the game starts and Emmaus gets a quick goal but soon we sytike back to make it a 1-1 game. Then Emmaus scores 2 more on us and that ends the quarter with them leading 3-1. Into the second quarter we mount our comeback, we are playing hard and fast. We tied the game at 3 then right before the half Emmaus sinks one in the net to be up by one at the half. The third quarter starts and realize this is our game we strike em and tie the game back up at 4. Then when you least expected it we scored again to make it 5-4 and the third quarter is over as fast as it began. It comes down to the fourth and this is were it gets really great. So we take the field and like a minute into the quarter Emmaus scores but we rally right back again to take the lead 6 to 5. With 5 minutes left they have the ball pushing and shooting the ball but our defense holds tough with great play from every player especially our goalie. Then with 2 minutes and 30 seconds left in the game one of our best defensive players gets a penalty so we go man down. Im in and the ball is passed to there best shooter(he shoots the ball 95mph with some ridiculously good aim). So no one goes to cover him so I go late because he wasn't my man. He loads up to tie the game for his team but it doesn't quite go that way. i charge him and he shoots the ball right into my chest. Not gonna lie that hurt but I couldn't stop my teammate gets the ball and the penalty is over. We turned the ball over again with 1 minute and 25 seconds left and they call a timeout. Our defense makes one of the greatest stands ever we stop them from scoring and win the game this was one of the greatest wins in my sports playing history. We held them to the least amount of goals scored in a game this season, our defense really came through especially jewel he was thrown in the game and played some of the best loch down d I have ever seen. That was the best game ever and now we go to compete in the league finals against the number 1 seed parkland high school on monday. Its time to win anther big game and remember to never be satisfied.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
I Made It, Thanks Mom
Today was a bit bitter-sweet. I am officially done with high-school after finishing my final evaluation ever. Our family has used the same evaluator since Taryn started school, she as seen four of us now close the book on 12th grade. It is so strange to look back and realize for 13 years my end of the yaer portfolio ( a huge bursting binder of our year's school work and accomplishments/activities) has been a staple, a stamp or seal on my year and now my entire homeschooled life has been 'sealed'.
My mom has taken 4 kids now through the ranks of school and we couldn't be better for it! One day I want to take out all 60 of our portfolios, representations of most of our lives and accomplishments, and just look at them all.
My mom has taken 4 kids now through the ranks of school and we couldn't be better for it! One day I want to take out all 60 of our portfolios, representations of most of our lives and accomplishments, and just look at them all.
Friday, May 2, 2014
So today was Senior Day for our lacrosse team and it means a lot to me because my brother is a senior, and it is my last season of any sport with him. We played Liberty High School and won, I'm so glad for all of our seniors that they won their last home game of the year and tomorrow we finish out or regular season games with Phillipsburg high school who is our biggest rival and always will be. One of the best things that happened today was Jewel and I were going to pick up a ground ball and guess what? he hits me and makes me drop the ball! and I couldn't help myself to just start complaining about how stupid he was for that. I forgot where we were for a second and I said, "jewel" the way I would say it if we were playing at home. It was really funny.
This is our second year of lacrosse and we are both playing enough so we are really happy and hoping for a district medal for our wall by the end of the season. We have a really great team with a bunch of great kids with a lot of talent I am so happy that we got a chance to play this year. It has made and will keep making a lot of great memories.
This is our second year of lacrosse and we are both playing enough so we are really happy and hoping for a district medal for our wall by the end of the season. We have a really great team with a bunch of great kids with a lot of talent I am so happy that we got a chance to play this year. It has made and will keep making a lot of great memories.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Do You Like Auditioning???
Hi! So we had the second day of "Tarzan" auditions yesterday; they went really well!
I have always loved auditioning; any and all kinds of auditioning:) I think the thrill and the little bit of butterflies I get when I enter the room is an invigorating feeling. I don't get as much nervous as I get jumpy? with anticipation of what is going to happen. I always practice hard and prepare a song and anything else I might need; and beforehand I am generally feeling pretty good about it. But then I am usually a bit disappointed when its over because I never quite feel like I've done my best. Especially when whoever is sitting in those chairs on the other side of the room watching me are hard to read. As an auditionee I want to give the directer what he wants, I want to be "the one" that he is looking for. And it is nerve-wracking because I will never actually know what that one will. He might not even know until it walks in the room!
But then I learned what it was like to be in that chair on the other side. I realized that it isn't just about being perfect and polished, there are a lot of different aspects that go into picking someone for any given part. Workability is a big part. Someone has to have raw talent, obviously, but they also have to be willing to listen and want to learn. They need to be moldable. As a director I like to have someone who is "perfect for the part", the person I envisioned, but that person doesn't ever just appear; I thoroughly enjoy working someone until they can get to that point. I can tell when its inside and I just need to get it out, but I have to first see that it is a possibility.
I also like to see that they want it. If someone comes in the room with the best voice I've ever heard but looks like they would rather be dead than be auditioning I am more inclined to give the part to someone who is a little less polished but will work for it and will want to work for it. They need to have a spirit and passion that I can see.
Now I know a lot of people get nervous but I feel like that can help. Just take that nervousness and let it empower you. Any director (well almost any director) would rather you give it your all and not be perfect than do everything halfway in anticipation of messing up.
Well that is all for today...until next time!:)
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