If the world was a perfect place I would be able to just sing all day and all night.
I'm going to keep this short today, partially because this is a hard topic for me to face and I'd like to suffer through the pain of writing all about it, and emphatically stating how important and true it really is, for as little time as possible.
Here's the bottom line: when you want something done; when you want to get somewhere, (and we're more specifically talking career goals here,) and you've already accepted the fact that the only way to get it done right is to do it yourself... well then it's time to do it. And that my friend, is where the battle begins.
Much more often than not the means are just not as fun as the end. In order to get to the part we love, in order to enjoy the whole entire reason we started this journey, in order to reach the fun part, we need to spend endless hours doing leg work. I hate leg work. My contempt towards it is one of my personal biggest hurdles. Actors, athletes, entrepreneurs, this applies to everyone with ambition. By leg work I mean anything from advertising, networking, training to learn a specific skill, making phone calls, stretching daily,learning,writing, and the list is literally endless because it does apply to all fields... so basically by leg work I mean anything that you don't want to do... or anything that when you do it you feel as if you are slowly dying and every ounce of happiness and creativity is being sucked from your very being.
Here's the tricky part: anyone who is fighting to live out a dream doesn't mind losing night upon night of sleep if the time is spent "working," (in my case that would mean practicing, choreographing, writing, etc.,) but it takes a different, more intense kind of devotion to bring oneself to willingly lose sleep, (or activities, social gatherings, friend time, etc, but mostly sleep,) over doing all the irritating yet absolutely and completely necessary stuff that has to be done before we can even get to the actual "work." All successful dreamers though, have had to do this at one time or other, and honestly most continue even after they are established in their field to a point because - and we're taking for granted here that we're only speaking of tasks that physically can be done by someone else- #1, most people don't keep miniature oompa loompas in their pockets, #2 effective robots aren't available yet, #3 if robots were available most of us would not be able to afford them, and #4 if you did get yourself a talented person (who would work for free,) when all is said and done most of us would actually prefer to do it ourselves anyway because no one else does it right. I mean it's not their fault, they just aren't the visionary so how could they very well be expected to produce our vision.
In conclusion, to do the things we love we must do the things we hate. End of story. But we do it with the knowledge that every unpleasant step we take is making us better, and is bringing us one step closer to our own little perfect world where we just sing.
So I have no choice but to ask myself all the time: How badly do you want it?
P.S. I apologize for the severe lack of pink-ness... stupid mobile apps not having all the good parts...smh
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