Now.. On to today's blog post..
Have you ever been in public, with friends, with strangers, with family, etc. and really embarrassed yourself? Done something or said something that just made everyone look at you and laugh or give you a quizzical look or a look that suggests they are judging you hard core? I'm sure all of us have at one time or another but I'm sure not as many have done it as much as I have. I'm that person that just lets words fly out of her mouth before she thinks about what she's saying. As many times as I remind myself to think before I speak, I just don't always remember and it's usually too late by the time I realize what I said. So in this post I'd like to discuss with you the importance of thinking before you speak. I know it seems silly and I'm sure your parents have told you over and over again to do this but I want you to know that they are right! I know from personal experience that not having diarrhea of the mouth is the best way to not say something you'll regret later. Nobody wants to go home at the end of the night feeling like they wish they could turn back time and unsay what they said. Here are a few reasons why thinking before you speak can be a benefit to you other than the obvious reasons.
1. It can allow you to receive your desired response.
Often times in conversation whether it be in an argument, if you're asking for something, asking someone on a date, etc. you are looking for a particular response. And most of the time the way in which you present yourself or portray your point can be the deal breaker in whether it goes your way or not. So thinking about how to present your point before you present it, taking into consideration who you are talking to, can help you to achieve your goals.
We have so many materials and such donated for our productions so this technique comes in handy quite often.
We have so many materials and such donated for our productions so this technique comes in handy quite often.
2. It prevents over explanations
I know that sometimes I'll pass a comment or something like that that will be taken completely wrong and I will have to explain myself. If I would've thought about what I actually meant and said it in such a way that it could only be taken the way I meant it then I wouldn't have needed to waste so many words explaining something to the point where the other person just stopped listening.
And finally..
3. It prevents you from further sticking your foot in your mouth.
In explaining myself sometimes I tend to ramble and then say another thing that I have to explain and so on and so forth. By the time in finished I've lost everyone's attention and they all don't know what to think of me.
So in conclusion, it is very important to think about what you're going to say and how you're going to say it and if it's exactly what you mean. You never know who you're going to be talking to. Saying the wrong thing to the person who can further your career or something just as important would be terrible. You don't wanna be kicking yourself for that one for the rest of your life!
See you next week!
Taryn :-)
Taryn :-)
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