Wednesday, December 2, 2015


So there is no intro to my blog this week I'm just gonna start right off the bat with....good and evil. More the absence of good evil? Is the absence of evil good?

I think that the absence of good is almost always evil, and the absence of evil is almost never good.

Basically, when there is no good or evil it is neutral and neutrality breeds evil. Evil (or the Devil) is always actively seeking somewhere, someone, something to latch onto and make his own. We, as humans, are very easily we are easy targets. When we have no good (God) to shield us we are in danger of falling into the Devil's trap.  Especially in our world today. There are so many things going on that I never could have imagined happening, and we need the presence of good more than ever. As human beings, we naturally want and need something to hold on to and believe in, if that thing is neutral, it then becomes an open invitation for the Devil to insert himself into our lives. If we don't have the armour of God with which to fight, then we do not have any chance of winning the fight. We need good.

This is one of the very reasons we wanted to create our own theatre company. The arts in general is mostly a neutral environment. People really like to say they are artists for art's sake...or because it is their passion and it's what they love and they do it for their own self satisfaction and the entertainment of their audience. Sure, this is all a part of why we do what we do, too....but it can't be the whole purpose. I mean there are always the people who talk about God and thank Him and all but in my experience with too many people, it is more of a "for show" type thing than the real deal. Many of those same people will do immoral or inappropriate things in the name of 'theatre.' And once it's in the name of 'theatre' or 'art' it becomes more about ourselves and less about God. Selfishness is a vice that is too easily fallen into. As artists, we have to be so careful about how we tell the story and if we are compromising any of our actor's morality. We have to be sure that our purpose remains pure, to spread Gods's Light and to show His glory!

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