Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tornado Warning!

Here is my email and rehearsal speech from our 5th to last Hairspray rehearsal!!!! Enjoy!!!!

This show can be more than we have dreamed. I am so proud of each of you. Here is the full text from tonight, get your sleep fam, you are gonna need it!

     "The final journey began yesterday! How about the first full run? How about the 2nd day of tech week? Man this is something special.
You are all the strong, the committed, the humble, and the proud. We lost many cast members and that is ok,this was not for them, we gained some family too though. TROY, ETHAN,TONY lets hear it for them.
These are the nights we decide our own legacy. I believe you can all be great, I know -- can be great. Now it is time for you to believe it, and treat every moment as if it defines who you are. We etch our name in sweat, we etch it in tears, and in smiles. Integrity, honesty, what does your name mean. Who are you? It is in the footprints of giants we decide that. When we are put in a situation where it is easy to be selfish, to give up, to pity ourselves, or to break our word those are the moments that make us who we are, who are you?
It is hard to care , it is hard to love, a selfless love, but it is the greatest gift on earth, it is why we are here. We have a problem today with being vulnerable everyone is shelled up, we are afraid to show people who we are. Every day I heard and saw be yourself in school and tv, I saw the posters, but as I did every responsibility and foundation which creates that person was taken away from me. I few do not take our opportunities to do what is right we will never live to the full potential of our lives, there is a plan for you greater than your dreams.
"I don't make bonds, I'm afraid they will break." We don't invest, we try to look out for #1 because it seems like if I don't, who will? I can count on one thing in life and that is death! Easy and dangerous way to think, stripping us of our value. You are more, make it a mission to connect with people, you may be the ONLY one who does, when they spit in your face, lets open more, when we are betrayed let us show loyalty, when we are wronged let us show right. That doesn't mean we ever disrespect ourselves but instead respect ourselves enough to elevate above the base, the scrum, be proud enough...to be humble. It is hard but the moments when you see a smile spread across a face you put there it's all worth it. We need innovators and leaders, believers and fighters. let us be the difference. We will be ridiculed for it but that is the nature of this world. We can find solace in Someone greater, if we take the leap, to fight for it.
Thank you all for being a part of this cast, parents siblings and everyone who has contributed, now it is time unleash! - Jewel (your hype director)"
Tech Schedule: Wednesday/ move in 10-6 Zoellner
rehearsal 4-10 Comfort Suites
Thursday/ build 10-6 Zoellner
(tbd) rehearsal 4-10 Comfort Suites
4th of July break/ build
Monday and Tuesday we are in Zoellner from 8am to 11pm, there is a possibility of rehearsing in the morning. For those who do work, we have to see where we are after the next two rehearsals to know exactly what we will need. The latest call time probable on our 2 dress runs is 4pm, please be ready to come in earlier.

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