Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 (sorry for the break in posts finals in college and Seussical clean-up claimed quite the toll on our time but We Are Back! Make sure to check back for my next post on Friday)                                                                                        

                                                                                                Art  of Light

      Sing For America strives to use the arts as a platform to elevate mankind as a whole, spiritually, intellectually, and morally-this community, right here and right now. Our company members and volunteer actors share this mission and we believe it with all of our hearts. Art with purpose is art with positive power. One of the largest ways we perpetuate our mission is by serving the underprivileged communities in our area. Introducing the arts to people who have not had the opportunity or ability to enjoy and grow from participation in or the patron-ship of positive performing arts. This is achieved through professional level performances unrivaled in our area priced at affordable rates. We have priced our tickets as low as we possibly can while still maintaining a profit with which to present to the charities our company supports. This is difficult but we believe in it 100% and through our pricing have shared these precious values with so many first time audience members, so many who had never enjoyed the privilege, so many bright eyed children dreaming of this, so many fathers and mothers brought to tears over finally having the opportunity to bring their children to a musical of this caliber,
elderly who believed they would never get to see a show again, minorities who had never felt welcomed. This is why.

         Power In Truth:Gratitude, respect, love, power is a program for gifted students who need extra help to realize their full potential. Students with talent that needs to be fostered but cannot for financial or social reasons. Under our professional tutelage they are given every opportunity to grow as performers but more importantly as people. Out of the 350 actors who have stepped on our stage over half have not been of full-European decent. Minorities feel welcomed here, all prosper here. Of that 350 over 150 have first stepped on a stage of any kind with our company! That is incredible, such diversity and uncovering of talent is unheard of in our community yet necessary for true progress. We wish to preach diversity and equality yet when we have the opportunity to empower we shun or ignore it. Not here, not anymore. SFA is and continues to give pride , courage, and gratitude to the members of the company. If we wish to solve chronic poverty and lack of educational performance in students within communities plagued by it the answer comes from within themselves. The answer is in giving them the belief and ability to raise themselves to the standard they wish. The arts are our vehicle to do this. Please support.


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