Hey everybody We are back to another great Thursday with this guy right here. So if you can believe it we are just twenty six days away from the opening of Tarzan the musical! Just yesterday we had a bunch of cast members come over and help make the costumes. We are trying to finish all of the costumes by this Sunday so I feel like my sisters have a few more 4am night ahead of them. I don't know how they do it but they do and the costumes are really looking great! Now Jewel and I are kinda in the calm before the storm for the show right now. We just finished making the designs for the set. This took a lot of trial and error if think we made and remade the set about seven times. Now we finally got the one we wanted and are ready to dive in and start building it for real. Since it is just the two of us doing all the designs this time we decided to do it a little different. It was my idea to build our set out of Lego's and it worked perfectly. we decided on the size each one would be and built models of our set to scale size. It was one of my best ideas ever. Thing is building it in real life is whole
other story, its gonna be a lot of work. Luckily one of the fathers of a cast member is a contractor and is gonna help us build the whole thing. We always have such a helpful cast and a bunch of the fathers and brothers come help us out. Although all of them may not be that able it's the time and effort we appreciate which makes this a better experience for everyone. Now its time to crack down and start the real work getting ready for move in, lets do it.
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