Today I want to talk about preparation. Truthfully, without preparation you almost have no chance to do whatever it is you want to do. Me being an athlete, most days are preparation. Do you really think anyone wants to go to practice just so he/she can run around, get tired, get yelled at by his/her coaches and then be told they're not trying when he/she feels like they have nothing left in the tank. NO, I'm pretty sure no one wants to do that, I know I don't, but without practice you are bound to fail come game night. OK, now there are a few thing to think about, if you prepare for something with a bad attitude then its not worth it because you won't get anything out of it. If every day I went to practice thinking this is really gonna stink, why am I even playing this sport then? I'm gonna get nothing out of it. Same way if I go into rehearsal for a show thinking I don't want to be there. I'm pretty sure if your anything like me you're gonna mess up most stuff and just not have a good time. Jewel and I came to practice a little bit late on Tuesday and our coach said at the end of practice we have to flip a tractor tire the length of the file and back. That's a total of 220 yards. Yeah, it was hard and I didn't really want to do it, but I did and I made the best of it because what's the point of being mad when in the end its helping me to be better.
I'm gonna take this one step further though, I want to challenge you to not just prepare when you have to but practice on your own time. That's where the few are separated from the many. Who is willing to work for that extra hour to be the best?
During lent we are preparing for the Triduum, which is preparing us for Easter. Now, really think about that, for forty days we have to prepare to prepare for Easter then that Easter celebration lasts for 50 days. Now imagine if that's how we attacked everything we do in our lives. We would be so ready for every trial and exceed every type of goal we set for ourselves that we would be so much happier all the time. There is a great quote I want to share with you, "luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" -Seneca. There is so much to be taken from that but in the end it really means that those who prepare have already won half the battle. We have been thinking about Tarzan for about 4 months now and that's what it takes for us just to put on a show that we think is good. I assure you that if we could every minute of our day would be spent on Tarzan for as long as you would let us, but we have a time limit and its our job to make the best darn show that anyone has ever seen. That's our goal and that's what we expect out of out cast, nothing less will be accepted.
Greatness is in the eye of the beholder and my eye aims very high!
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