Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Secret to Community and Success : Tuesdays: Jewel's Jargon

     So we have come to Jewel's day. There is so much I would like to say but today I will tell you "why."
     For those of you who know me, you have seen I like to have fun, I fool around to a fault, don't take things seriously, get yelled at, and have little regard for authority; but the people who really know me know another side. This side is shown on the field, court, or forum and one more place, during the run of a show. My cast mates have probably seen me bite numerous heads off (probably felt my wrath themselves) when my determination focuses as it becomes crunch time in tech week.
     But why would I care enough about a musical to ostracize my friends and family while giving up weeks of time and sleep?
     Here is Why: passion, drive, purpose, and belief...things necessary for success in every life. I look around and see kids everywhere with no meaning in their life. Dreaming for nothing they have no reason to work. Apathy is rampant as more and more kids feel life has no purpose. Athletics is an old agent working against this. In modern history sports have probably lifted more kids out of a rut than any other secular activity (though I didn't wear pads until I was 15, my whole life I have been driven by football.)  But sports are not for every one, so what else is there?
    The next umbrella is the arts. Here I'll speak on theatre. Theatre is a powerful tool that can be picked up at any point in life and enjoyed by the masses.
        In our shows What drives me (besides the competitive mindset to destroy any comparison) is the ability to pass that drive and FIRE onto another person. Cast members must give of themselves to work to achieve an amazing goal.Our company is unique in that once a member you are not just an actor. You can devote as much time as you are compelled to, in set building, choreography, lighting, crew, marketing, and janitorial duties! A bunch of random amatuers come together and build a team which in turn does someting incredible.This is the magic. When one has a mission, a vision.... he is emblazened ....he is molded and crafted by what he dreams to become.
Now don't misunderstand me many of the people in our comany don't aspire to be on Broadway, but thats not the point. Just like most high school football players don't play in the NFL that doesn't change the benefits of the blood sweat and tears given up through the years they played. This molded us to believe we can be succsessful in whatever we do. We hope that passion stays forever.
      ..... Fitting in to all that is society...our community. American pop culture is a death trap, as shown in the effect it has had on my generation and my parents' generation. Innovation is dying and murders within the family is on the rise. http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fvs02.pdf.  Both our generations have become so caught up in our "stuff" that we've all but stopped thinking outside the box..no pun intended. We've stopped relying on eachother, on our neighbors, on our churches...and we've become detached from eachother and from our communities.
The fiber of our society is the happenings in each community,
You and I can change that.
Shrek The Musical last summer was our largest show to date and would have cost upwards of $50,000! But, thanks to my dad being really good at asking and community businesses being responsive to his plea, most of it was donated!!!!!. So many businesses were willing to share some of their treasure with our theatre group, and for the most part got very little in return. These business owners donated out of the goodness of their hearts. Just as a way to Give Back. No one received special accolades or money - they gave their time because they wanted to.Through all of this we are raising money for those who make our life in America free. These are our chances to take control and believe in something on a small scale... so we can all believe in eachother and our fellow man as a whole.-Jewel Gilbert

please comment, what is your take?

1 comment:

  1. Very well said! If we believe in each other then NOTHING is impossible.
